Love Lockdown: 10

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They went towards the restaurant, guided by the manager of the hotel

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They went towards the restaurant, guided by the manager of the hotel. Seokjin can already see Hoseok through the glass checking his phone and Namjoon who is casually typing something on his laptop.

'I wonder where Yoongi is?' Seokjin wondered. His eyes roamed around the area of the restaurant.

The manager explained many things with Jungkook when they arrived. The young billionare is highly respected that everybody bows on his way. Jungkook never fails to respond to them whenever he notices. Seokjin just silently walks beside him, observing how he acted professionaly. Some of the people also recognize him and also greeted him.

Sighing, Seokjin took a sit opposite to Hoseok which made him and Namjoon look up. Namjoon have greeted him good morning with a smile on his face, showing his dimples.

Jungkook just discussed something with the hotel manager before taking a sit beside Seokjin. He runs his fingers through his hair and picks up the menu.

"What is with that long face Jinnie?" Hoseok asked.

"After everything that have happend today, Im having an headache." Seokjin replied massaging his temples.

"Me and Yoongi didn't even dragged you pretty hard though. Stop overreacting." Hoseok replied with a laugh before going back to his phone.

Seokjin just rolled his eyes before glancing over to Jungkook who looking at the menu. He seemed silent like he didn't did anything earlier. Half of the headache is caused by Jungkook.

"Speaking of Yoongi, where is he?" Seokjin asked leaning on the table.

"Oh he went to take a nap. He got tired from the flight earlier." Hoseok replied, his eyes still focused on his phone.

This made Seokjin nod and hum in response. They are not surprised about Yoongi's behaviour at all. He likes sleeping very much he could take the whole day whenever he is tired. And he is officially married to any bed he finds comfortable.

"Jungkook? Can I talk to you in private?" Namjoon rose up on his feet after checking what's on his laptop, "I have something to discuss." He continues. Namjoon brought his laptop with him towards the other table.

"Alright then." Jungkook also rose up on his feet before looking at Seokjin, "The breakfast will be served in a minute." He smiled before following Namjoon.

Seokjin respond with a smile as he rest his chin on his palm. His gaze follows Jungkook on his way. The event earlier made Seokjin daydream. His eyes roam around Jungkook who is now crossing his legs as Namjoon was discussing something. There is something about Jungkook that made his heart flutter and he is not wrong about that.

The silence of the atmosphere made Hoseok glance towards Seokjin who is staring at something. Since he isn't the silent type at all. His eyes then trailed to where Seokjin is looking and found it on Jungkook. His lips formed a thin line as he leans with him, also facing the where Namjoon and Jungkook is discussing.

"Looks like you have fallen in love." Hoseok said, cutting Seokjins thought.

This made Seokjin let out a slight chuckle before shaking his head, still looking on Jungkook's direction. Of course Hoseok is gonna be the first one to notice. Since its very unusual for Seokjin to stare into a person while daydreaming. He also highly supports Seokjin and Jungkook together ever since he have found out about Jungkook's feelings for him.

"Oh darling, everybody sees how you look at him." Hoseok continues.

To be honest, Seokjin is a little bit confused on his and Jungkook's relationship on many ways. He just can't assure the feelings he have for him and same ways vice versa. And he wants and answer for it.

"God I hate him so much." Seokjin replied making Hoseok chuckle.

"You love him." Hoseok said in almost a whisper.

"I know." Seokjin muttered without thinking.

This made Hoseok raise his brows at him with a amused smile. He slowly claps his hands as he leans back on his seat. Seokjin should stop lying to himself since he is very bad when it comes to it.

The breakfast have arrived in a minute as Hoseok went to dig right in. Its a standard american breakfast and also some coffee. Its very perfect for the cloudy weather outside.

Hoseok just clarify his feelings for him and he is kind of thankful for it. Seokjin's eyes is still peered on Jungkook. His stomach is full with butterflies that he hasn't feel in a long time, as he let out a slight smile.

"I'd be his, if he asked."


So it looks like many of you has been confused about this but the story is still on going and didn't reach its end yet.

You guys still reading my cringey story?

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