Love Lockdown: 23

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Its already in the middle of the night and Seokjin can't somehow fall asleep

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Its already in the middle of the night and Seokjin can't somehow fall asleep. As for Jungkook, he tried to accompany him and did some of his law cases. He also did some research how to relieve the cramping.

Seokjin looked over Jungkook whose back is faced to him. Jungkook is making a ginger tea for Seokjin to relieve his cramping.

"I have read that ginger tea is a herbal tea so please bear with me." Jungkook said as Seokjin just hummed in response.

Looking over Jungkook's broad back, he starts to wonder how to tell him about his pregnancy. He is not sure if Jungkook will accept it since he barely has any free time and always busy. Seokjin crouched on his seat, his eyes roams around Jungkook. He then glance on the pregnancy test he is holding.

Seokjin slowly steps his foot down on the ground and rose up on his seat. He clenched the oversized sleeves he wore that is owned by Jungkook, as he move closer towards him.

Its just a matter of acceptance if Jungkook will accept or not, but he really hopes he does.

He slowly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, back hugging him. Jungkook is surprised on Seokjin's action and glanced over him as he burries his head.

"What is it?" Jungkook said stoping what he is doing.

"Kookie..." Seokjin said biting his lower lip, "I have something to tell you." He continued.

Seokjin can hear the pace of his heartbeat after saying it. If Jungkook will not accept it, he doesn't know what to do anymore. He is nervous from the fact that Jungkook may leave him for not planning it.

"Tell me." Jungkook replied on a stern voice making Seokjin flinch.

"You won't get m-mad?" Seokjin asked, his arms wrapped tighter on Jungkook's waist.

"I won't." Jungkook replied with sigh.

Jungkook can feel Seokjin's head nodding on his back. One of the olders hand let go of his waist and the other is clenching on his shirt. He can tell Seokjin is pulling out something.

The older slowly slips his hand back on Jungkook's waist, while holding the pregnancy test. He is shutting his eyes close when he feel Jungkook froze on his spot.

Jungkook's eyes went wide when he saw the PT. The excitement and joy rushed over his body when he figures out what it means. He gently took Seokjin's hands away from his waist and face at him.

"Does this mean..." Jungkook said.

Seokjin looked surprised on what Jungkook did but then soften a minute. A gentle smile formed his lips as he slowly nods.

"You're gonna be a father." Seokjin said, a tear escaped his eyes.

Jungkook immadiately pulled Seokjin into a tight hug, with the biggest smile on his face. He missed being this happy before. They have come in a long way and he is happy their love bloomed.

"Thank you so much." Jungkook said.

The older gently caress the back of Jungkook. He closed his eyes feeling the warmth of his hug. He is thankful that Jungkook reminds him what butterflies on his stomach feels like. Seokjin is fully convinced his whole future is all about him and their new child.

The past is something he hates and should move on to. Seokjin knows his future needs him more.

Both of them lets go of the hug and Jungkook slowly caress Seokjin's cheeks. Jungkook just can't stop smiling on what Seokjin have told him and he didn't expect it. He stares at Jungkook's brown eyes which is not just brown eyes, but his brown eyes.

"This chapter feels really good." Jungkook muttered making Seokjin chuckle.

Seokjin slowly pulled Jungkook's head into his, making their forehead touch.

"Looks like its time for a new story." Seokjin replied.

Its actually just the start of the new chapter of their life. Both of them knew they will trust the new chapter because they are the author. A smirk formed Jungkook's smile as he tighted his arms around Seokjin's waits pulling him more closer.

"This is just the beginning," Jungkook said leaning closer to Seokjin.

"And its only going to get better from here." He continued invading his lips.


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