Chapter 15

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The extravagant birthday party of Namjoon has been underway for some time

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The extravagant birthday party of Namjoon has been underway for some time. People are having good time because of the unlimited drinks offered. We all have each others business for now, Namjoon is still greeting the guest, Hoseok just went quick for a retouch and snatched Yoongi along with him and, here I am stucked with Mr. Jeon, sitting at a couch near the stage.

I glanced over at him. He do really is attractive especially on his outfit today. Maybe they are the most gifted squad I have ever seen. All of them have different charms. My eyes are continuously drawn to him. I suddenly feel lucky that im invited.

"Can't keep your eyes off me?" He grinned at me.

" not." I shake my head off immadiately and looked away.

"If you want to stare at my face so badly, why don't I get a little closer?" He leaned over to me, his hand supporting the weight of his body.

"N-no thank you!"

But Jungkook does bring his face closer and just when our lips are about to touch, he burst out laughing. I feel myself blush and my heart starts pounding fast. Its been so long I feel like this. Im going insane. This guy is such a tease!

I then rose up onto my feet. I must've looked dumb when I really closed my eyes. I should just eat something or get a drink. As what I expected Jungkook followed me through the foods. I just rolled my eyes and let him be.

Although I don't know when they showed up, I suddenly realize we're surrounded by Hoseok and the others.

"Why am I not surprised on this sight." Hoseok said looking over me who is taking the bite-sized food.

"This is just deja vu for me." Yoongi, who is behind him just faced palm on embarrassment. Are this guys really my friend?

Thirst run up to my throat as I have decided to turn my backs on them and get some champagne.

"Happy Birthday, Namjoon-ah!"

A familiar voice got all of them looking. All of their expression changed when they saw the person. Hearing a familiar voice, I turn around to find my husband standing there. However, that's not the only surprise.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim. Im Park Jimin, Taetae's boyfriend, and it's an honor to make you acquaintance." That one word decisively shuts down any excuses I could have made. The man that I saw that day stands behind him.

Hoseok really just gave him a bitch look before rolling his eyes. And I can tell Namjoon's hand shaking when he shook his hand.

I got surprised that it made my whole body feels week. The pounding of my own heart echoes omimously in my ears. And the others noticed the shock of my face, especially Jungkook who is glaring at Taehyung.

What's Taehyung doing here? I thought he had appointment. I can clearly see them but it looks like Taehyung haven't noticed me at all.

Until the glass I'd been holding slips from my hand and falls crashing to the floor. With the reality of my own situation thrust rudely in my face, I'm still reeling when my husband notices me. We have made an eye contact and his eyes widen briefly in a shock. I have been already teary and I have been holding back.

In that moment, I have dashed out of the ballroom. I can't take it anymore.

Stares were all over me when I made my way downstairs. I really don't care about anything right now. I just want to escape from my husband.

"S-seokjin!" I can hear Taehyung calling me from behind as he followed me out. I don't like him seeing me crying over his trashy ass. No. I don't like him. The whole of him!

I stopped running on the balcony when my legs just can't run further anymore. I started panting. Tears streaming down my face. And just for a minute, I feel strong arms wrapped around my body from behind as I struggled insisting for him to let me go.

" sorry plea-" Before he could finish his sentence. My palm went straight to his cheek. Leaving a red mark on it.

Taking a deep breath, I steady my trembling body, "Are you involved with that guy, Taehyung?" I said out of frustration, my voice still trembling.

"Yes.." he looked down, his voice full of regret. My husband's indifferent admission of truth leaves me stunned and furious at once.

The day I met Taehyung, the day we got married...All of the memories we've made together run through my mind.

"I can't go with you anymore." I said, trying my best not to break down.

"And what precisely do you mean by that?" I know you're not dumb Taehyung so stop acting like one.

In our married life together, I've hardly once ever gone against Taehyung. I trusted my reliable husband and quietly let him lead the way. But not anymore. I'm going to tell him everything. I don't want to be with him anymore.

"We're getting a divorce."

His eyes got wide before he knitted his brows together, "Do you seriously think you can make it on your own?"

Can you just please divorce me already?

"You can't do anything about me. Its always been that way." He continued.

The words he say made me smirk. Pathetic. He lied to me, then cheat to me..and now this attitude? I don't want to rely on this man anymore.

"Just so you're aware, without proof that I've cheated on you, I'm under no obligation to pay you alimony." He scoffed. "If you're going to take back your previous remarks, now is your chance."

This guy does really think high does he? Now I started to think why am I so head over heels for this guy.

"Go to hell." The deep voice that comes out of my throat surprises even me.

"Well as you can see. I am the witness of everything." Jungkook's cleared his throat, his voice can be heard comming near, caughting our attention. Just what is he doing here?

"And now what? You will take my husband Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung glared over at Jungkook who just smirked.

"Im Seokjin's lawyer, and I witnessed everything. He doesn't need alimony. Im sure he can live up well without you." He said in a stern voice as grabs me by my waist causing me to yelp. I glanced at his face.

Since when did this guy became my lawyer? But just thinking on it by now, he did graduate as a lawyer. I didn't protest though I need him for now. I owe him for this.

I can feel Taehyung's anger even a mile away and the atmosphere has gotten heavier.

"And stop acting like you don't know me well, Tae." This guy is really not stopping is he? I don't like their friendship getting dragged into this.

With his evil grin, he looked at Taehyung.

"Everyone knows I get what I want."

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