Love Lockdown: 03

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I'm pulled into another elegant room

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I'm pulled into another elegant room. Before I can say a word, Jungkook's chiseled face draws close to mine.

"Take that off." He said in a stern voice.

"Excuse me?"

"Just listen and do as I say."

"H..hey, hold on." What is he talking about, 'take that off'?! He can't just say that! He needs to go through a lot before he can take it away from me.

When I instinctively draw back, stepping away from Jungkook, the other stylist, Mira, enters the room. He's holding a beautiful dress in his hands. I got awed by the beautiful blouse dress infront of me.

"Here is it~" Mira said with a sweet voice.

"Thanks." Jungkook then takes it away. But wait. Why is even Jungkook here?! "Hurry and get changed. Use the room over there." Pushing the expensive-looking dress into my hands, he points to an interior room.

I got out wearing the silky dark blue dress. This dress really compliments my curvy hips.

"Beautyyy~!" The two stylist then cheered together as my eyes went to Jungkook who gives a smirk. The stylist grab my hand and guides me to the chair infront of a big mirror.

"Please sit here~" Still unsure of what's going on, I sit down in front of the vanity. Mira's thin, beautiful fingers sweep my hair upwards. He brushes it carefully, as if handling something very precious and starts curling it up using an curling iron. That pleasant, sooting sensation makes my stomach do a little backflip.

This is beautiful but, when was the last time I was touched this gently?
It's no time at all before my hair is in a fabulous curl.

"Close your eyes." Nara said on a calming tone. When I do as he says and close my eyes, I can feel the warm breath on my brows.

I feel something gentlt tickling my cheeks and eyelids. Evidently, Nara is doing my makeup and Mira is doing my hair. The touch of the fingers is feather light. Maybe I should hire this stylist sometimes too.

"Open your eyes." I can hear Nara's voice. The man in the mirror could be a different person from the one I saw when I closed my eyes. Dressed in a beautiful gown, done up in a professional makeup. I find myself unintentionally staring at my own reflection. And its clearly proven that I suck at makeup.

"Hmmm~? I don't think that turned out bad." Mira exclaimed before giving a highfive on Nara. I should thank these guys.

Jungkook and I make eye contact through the mirror. His sharp-eyed gaze captivates me despite myself, and I find it impossible to look away.

"Yes, well done." He speaks up giving me a gentle smile. Thats the most gentle smile I have seen on him so far. It suits him so much.

Namjoon then yanked the door open getting all of our attention "Im sorry it took me awhile to...Wow, now that's a sexy transformation." I just rolled my eyes at Namjoon. Its not like this is the first time he had seen me glammed up. Im telling Hoseok about this.

"Yeah, talk about tantalizing." Jungkook adds up looking proud.

"T-thank you." I still thanked them even if I still don't clearly know the reason of all this. I suddenly realize the praise with which I'm being showered is making my heart beat a little faster. Taehyung used to compliment me like this before too. It's been so long since a man spoke to me this way.

"And now for the finishing touches." Namjoon handed a velvet box to Jungkook.

"Here you are." Jungkook smoothly bends a knee at my feet. He takes the designer heels he's been holding and places them on my feet. I got dumbfolded by the beauty of this shoes even if I got money, its hard just affording this one.

"Wait a second, those shoes.."

"These will help you walk tall. You need to held your head high." He looks up to me with a smile.

"And last but not leasttt" Nara adorns my neck with a grandiose diamond-studded necklace.

"That is a special order for Mr. Jeon. Theres only one like it in the world." Namjoon gives a smile showing his dimples, "and he won't even let me touch it." He pouts teasefully.

Jungkook just shake his head before he rose up on his feet "You're the God of distruction, Namjoon. I don't want that to he wasted because of you."

It looks like Mr. Jeon will take me into a very special occassion getting glammed up by this.

"Well afterall, it looks perfect on you Seokjin." Namjoon said.

"I can't have someone walking around my building looking like a mess. That's all." Jungkook teasingly said making me knit my brows on him. I told you he is straight forward no wonder he immadiately give me a makeover.

"Okay whatever. So where are you taking me?"

"Stand up. You're gonna find out in any minute."

I rose up on my feet and all of us got out of the room. I then thanked the stylist in doing my makeup before they dissapear.

"Namjoon, please locate where Mr. Bucci is right now." His stern voice said looking at Namjoon.

"Knowing Mr. Bucci, he is always hanging around at the casino." Namjoon then replied his thumb rubbing his chin.

Mr. Bucci? His name is familiar. This guys does really know a lot. Maybe he is one of the stockholders. I have kind of seen his name before on a magazine. But its weird because the Bucci I saw on the magazine is a girl model and not a guy. Maybe its her father?

Jungkook then offered his arms to me as I gently accepted it, "Just do what I say okay?" He instucted me as I nod. Im actually kind of nervous as if whats gonna happend right now.

"We are off now, Namjoon."

Namjoon just winked as repond and follows us entering the elevator. The elevator closed after a while. Our position is still the same. Looking at our reflection as the elevator door closes, we actually looked good together.

"Can you tell me what exactly am I gonna do?" I glanced at him.

"Just pretend to be my fiancé that's all." He shrugged his shoulder and bites his lower lip.

My eyes widen at him. Did I just heard that right? I just got divorced an hour ago. And now im gonna get married to someone else?! He glanced back at me before giving me an evil grin. Somebody save me from this man.

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