Love Lockdown: 12

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"How are you feeling?"

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"How are you feeling?"

Jungkook walked over Seokjin who is staring blankly at the wall. Its been thirty minutes since Seokjin is drunk and he probably has an hangover right now. He is now on his room taking a rest after puking just a minute ago.

"Here." Jungkook offered him a glass of orange juice.

Seokjin stared at the glass for a second before looking at Jungkook.

"Orange juice?" Seokjin took the glass from him.

Jungkook nods and sits beside him. Seokjin then drank the whole orange juice and puts it on a table.

Even though Seokjin hasn't fully recover yet, Jungkook wants to keep him company. He just doesn't want Seokjin going around the house and puking all over.

The notification from Jungkook's phone on the table has started to ring. As Jungkook was about to reach it, Seokjins hand immadiately stopped him.

"I will g-get it." Seokjin said between his hiccups.

This made Jungkook smirk and let him be. He actually finds it amusing when Seokjin is looking like an easy prey for him to be latched on any minute. He crosses his arms and leans on the sofa.

"Alright then, get it for me." Jungkook said.

Seokjin rose up from the sofa and walk towards the center table finding Jungkook's phone. He never missed how Jungkook's eyes lingered on him when he took time to bend and get his phone.

"Tease." Jungkook said biting his lower lips.

This made Seokjin laugh as he wents to sit back on the bed beside Jungkook who is already waiting for him to hand his phone over.

"Now, give me the phone." Jungkook said in a stern voice.

A pout left Seokjin's lips as he clenched tighter on the phone. His pout was yet replaced by a teasing grin, making Jungkook raise a brow at him.

"Come and get it then."

Jungkook just laughed in disbelief. Whatever Seokjin is thinking right now made him went messing to the wrong guy. He can tell that the older is  probably no match to him especially when he is drunk. After he teased him earlier, why not continue what they have left?

The younger didn't think anymore and went over to pin Seokjin's hand above his head, making him lay down. The older struggle on his touch but then softens for awhile. Jungkook took his chance and took the phone on Seokjin's hand. He then throws the phone beside the bed and puts his attention once again to the older, staring at his begging eyes that turns him on.

"You should stop teasing me. I can be brutal." Jungkook growled, his eyes peered on Seokjin.

"What a plot twist you were, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin let out a gently smile at Jungkook.

This made Jungkook let out a 'tch' before pressing his lips to Seokjin fighting for control. Seokjin gladly responds on the kiss feeling the desire on his body. His kiss trailed down to Seokjin's neck leaving wet marks in it.

Their tongue dancing together as Jungkook reached on Seokjins pants making him quiver. The olders finger fiddled with Jungkook's belt, until he fully loosen it.

"Wait," Seokjin said just as Jungkook pulled the kiss, about to bring his pants down.

"Do you even like me?" Seokjin asked. Jungkook stopped what he is doing and face him.

As much as Seokjin wants to make sure before anything happends on them. He wants to make it legal and confirmed without any confusions. He wants to know if Jungkook was just playing around or not. He just went through a recent heartbreak and he doesn't want to top it up with a new one.

"I like you, more than I planned." He muttered.

His gaze on Seokjin made his heart jump back. He can hear his heartbeat throughout his ears. Jungkook's eyes is desperate and sincere at the same time.

Jungkook then slowly leaned on Seokjin's ear, his hands still pinning o the olders wrist. Seokjin can feel his hot breath on his ear.

"Say you want me too." Jungkook whispered that send shivers throughout Seokjin's spine.

His deep voice made the older sweat hard. How can he reject this guy? He may not notice it but he sure is falling for him. And he finds himself really stupid to be falling inlove with his ex-husbands bestfriend.

The incident from when they first met flashed back on his mind and he remembers, two souls don't find each other by simple accidents. He found love where it wasn't supposed to be, right in front of him.

Seokjin let out a slight smile before nodding softly.

"I like you stupidly much."


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