Love Lockdown: 18

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The elevator reached the reception are of the resort where Seokjin and Yoongi is about to meet up

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The elevator reached the reception are of the resort where Seokjin and Yoongi is about to meet up. He noticed the rain outside becoming more violent so maybe Yoongi is already around.

Just as he was about to walk towards the entrance, his tracks stopped when he saw a man he haven't seen a long time on the opposite hallway. The man also looked very surprised and stopped when he sees him.

'K-kim Taehyung?' Seokjin thought, his eyes widen.

"Seokjin..." Taehyung said slowly walking towards him.

The feeling of longing came into his mind. Reality have hit him that they are no longer married and he has to be honest how much he missed him. His touches, his voice, his warmth and the part he gave from his life. How come he haven't felt this in a long time?

Seokjin stared back at him before looking away. He slowly tensed when Taehyung grabbed his arms.

"Please leave." Seokjin replied, avoiding his eyes.

"I..missed you so much." Taehyung cried "Please c-comeback to me." He begged once again.

The olders eyes widen at what Taehyung have told him. He actually feels pity on the person infront of him. He is honestly frightened right now. Seokjin just doesn't know on how to react.

"Taehyung you need to leave." Seokjin said once again.

"Please please." Taehyung clenched on his arms.

"Taehyung stop it. Its embarrassing." Seokjin replied.

They are starting to gain attention from the people and Seokjin doesn't want Jungkook to find them like this. Seokjin tried to pulled Taehyungs hands away but he clenched it more. He is hoping maybe someone could get him out in the situation.

"Seokjin?" Yoongi called off from the distance making both of them face him.

When Yoongi have noticed Taehyung clenching hard, he walk towards them and grabs his hands away.

"Stop that Taehyung. He doesn't love you anymore." Yoongi said helding on Seokjins hands.

Taehyung glared at both of them once more before leaving the resort. The people watching also have stopped. A sigh of relief came out of both their mouths as Seokjin rest his head on Yoongi shoulders.

"Thank you for saving me Yoongichi." Seokjin pouts.

"I can tell how frightened you are." Yoongi replied patting his back.

"Anyways here is your phone." Seokjin pulled out the phone from his pocket and hands it to Yoongi who took it.

"You really name him 'Friend Hoseok' you meanie." Seokjin laughed.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Yoongi just rolled his eyes at him.

Looks like Seokjin's life have took turn into something big. Now that Taehyung fully understands, Seokjin will not worry about it anymore.


Later that night, Seokjin have arrived on their shared room. He is welcomed by Jungkook who is sitting on the bed with his monitor. He got towel on his shoulders and his hair is dripping wet.

Jungkook noticed Seokjin walking towards their bed and puts the laptop on the bedstand. The older crawled in the bed as Jungkook already grabbed him and cuddles around.

"Yoongi have told me about the incident earlier," Jungkook said inhaling the scent of Seokjin's neck.

Seokjin anticipated for the continuation of the sentence. As he glanced over Jungkook who is gettin addicted on his scent.

"I don't like it." He said on a stern voice.

This made Seokjin roll his eyes at him. He could never please Jungkook and its hard to please him.

"You don't like anything, Jungkook." Seokjin replied.

Jungkook then glanced over to Seokjin who raised his brows at him. Jungkook clicked his tongue before he tilt his head on the side.

"Well, I like sleeping and you." He keeps a straight face which made Seokjin smile.

Seokjin then rest his head on Jungkook's toned chest before letting out a slight chuckle. Same for Jungkook who wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I fucking love you." Seokjin said.

"I fucking loved you more." Jungkook replied making Seokjin pout at him.

"That's fucking impossible." Seokjin knitted his brows at him.

"No its fucking not." He clicked his tongue.

"Wanna fucking bet?" The older grinned.

"Yes I fucking do." Jungkook chuckled, kissing his forehead.


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