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A day of Seokjin during his pregnancy

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A day of Seokjin during his pregnancy

"Jungkook I can't take this anymore."

Seokjin whinned while stomping his feet. His eyes is already teary when he said that as Jungkook glanced at him. The older wakes up in cramps early in the morning and food craves many things he can't even have because Jungkook is sometimes a busy guy.

"You just laughed and became the happiest person a second ago, and now you're about to cry?" Hoseok rolled his eyes at Seokjin.

"You're overreacting Seokjin." He continued.

"Not to mention him getting angry just a few minutes ago too because of a piece of meat that fell and he can't pick it up coz of his tummy." Yoongi added looking up his phone.

Its been seven months on his pregnancy and Jungkook is almost tired on handling this kind of Seokjin. They are now on their monthly check up together with Hoseok and Yoongi who is always with him. They just knew how to handle his mood swings thats why the youngers always bring them.

"Do you want something right now?" Jungkook sighed shoving his hands on his pocket.

Jungkook is already used in a Seokjin like this; waking up for stupid reasons, whinning, buying everything, and pleasuring him. Those are the only ways to stop him from getting emotional.

"Jungkook still looks handsome handling your type of person Jin. Im very surprised." Hoseok said putting his red tint glasses.

"I can sense Seokjin wants something stupid right now." Yoongi raised his brows at Seokjin who is deeply thinking.

"I got it now!" Seokjin grinned at Jungkook.


"I knew he would do this."

Yoongi groaned bringing all the shopping bags Seokjin brought. All of them came from designers brand and there is no clothing store Seokjin didn't stop by.

The younger will buy one clothes of different colors. He is using Jungkook's black card in all of this and they are surprised Jungkook is chile-

"Seokjin you have a whole department store at your mansion already." Yoongi continued tapping at Seokjin who is picking some clothes.

"Isn't it enough?" He continued.

"But they don't fit anymore!" Seokjin scoffed and pouts looking at his belly bumps.

Hoseok laughed hard while looking over Yoongi, "Seokjin knows how to make his pockets hurt~" He sings while slightly twerking.

"I know you would do same to Namjoon duhhh." Yoongi replied shutting Hoseok up making him stop dancing and gave a sour face to Yoongi.

Jungkook stood up and walks to Seokjin. He then leans in to face him before letting out a gentle smile and pats his head. Seokjin suddenly feels butterflies on his stomach when Jungkook did this.

"Are you okay now?" Jungkook asked in a gentle voice.

Seokjin hummed and grin while nodding at Jungkook. The sight of them makes Yoongi feels single and Hoseok suddenly calling Namjoon who is in a business trip Jungkook assigned him.

"But im hungry." Seokjin pouts.

"Again?!" Yoongi and Hoseok yelled at him.


The older burped and leans on the chair he is sitting. They are now on a buffet restaurant Seokjin went during his college days. Jungkook suggest it to be at a luxury buffet but Seokjin is finding a certain taste which led them to a small restaurant.

Hoseok and Yoongi stared on Seokjin in disgusted as he went to eat another platter of rice. Jungkook is calm when he looks over Seokjin.

Hoseok then leans towards Yoongi, "Does he never run out of money?" He whispered.

"Seokjin is the luckiest person alive." Yoongi said shaking his head.

"What are you two looking at?" Seokjin frowned his brows at Yoongi and Hoseok who have been staring at him.

Jungkook slowly reached his hands to Seokjin's lips and brushed of the sauce smudged his lip, before licking it.

"There's a smudge in it." Jungkook said as Seokjin nods slowly.

"Thank you." Seokjin giggled.

The two person opposite them froze on the spot on the flirting infront of them. They turned their heads down and tries to avoid the scene.

"I have lost my appetite Yoongi." Hoseok said.

"I feel single--"

"You are."

"Shut up."


Seokjin and Jungkook waved at Hoseok and Yoongi who is already leaving on their vehicle. After being together with them, they tend to head home because of work and Seokjin also feels tired of the activity the whole day and wants to rest.

As the Seokjin was watching the car leave, he feel Jungkook's leather jacket cover his back. He then glanced up at Jungkook who placed the jacket around him before smiling.

"Its cold you need this." Jungkook said with a smile.

Seokjin then leaned on his shoulders, "Thank you Kookie." He said clenching on the jacket.

"For what?" Jungkook replied wrapping his arms around Seokjin.

"For everything."



Not sure if I should do more of this. Should I? Should I? Should--

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