Chapter 4

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"Mr. Jeon, we have arrived."

His secretary slightly bowed at him. They are now on his private jet. He just came back from the States and he admits, he do missed Korea, his birthplace. The private jet landed on the rooftop of the casino, since he can't go to the airport. He doesn't want the media running towards him after announcing his comeback.

"Inform Namjoon that I have arrived and prepare his proposal at my office." Jungkook assigned his secretary, sipping on his wine.

His secretary then nods before leaving the jet. Jungkook then rose up on his seat and heads out the jet. A warm wind blew up on his face as soon as he got out. The guards are already making a path for him as they greeted him.

As Jungkook stepped into the casino, a smirk crawled up to his face. The casino is pretty crowded even if the sun is still out but of course what does he expect on a 5 star casino?

Jungkook then stopped his tracks and looks around the casino.

"The interiors here are getting old don't you think?" he looked over at his secretary who just stayed silent.

"Its non of my business to judge the casino by it is sir-"

"Nah, nevermind that. I will talk to Namjoon about it." he shrugged his shoulders.

Jungkook went to his office, the top floor of this building. He should have just went straight to his office since its the closest to the rooftop but he wants to check the casino first.

The last time he went to this casino is still on his teens, and his father told him that he will manage it one day. A nostalgic feeling went through Jungkook. Here he is now, CEO of Jeon's casino and hotel.

When Jungkook stepped inside his office, he already saw Namjoon looking through his bookshelves. Namjoon noticed him and decides to give him a bro hug.

"How are you?" Jungkook asked letting go of the hug, his bunny teeth showing.

"Welcome home, bunny. Im actually very good right now. And will have a stable business if you will accept my proposal." he winked at Jungkook.

"Still trying hard just like the highschool days huh?" Jungkook chuckled as he takes a seat on his swivel chair causing Namjoon to smile, showing his dimples.

"Here's your copy, Mr. Jeon." His secretary hands him a copy of Namjoon's presentation as he nods his head.

"Alright, let's start your presentation then, Mr. Kim." His voice suddenly turned stern as he checked the files.

Namjoon then went to explain further details on what he can do if he will became the casino's shareholder. Just as what Jungkook expected, he will become a very successful shareholder. Aside from Namjoon's statistics, he is also a very wise man. Just what he need.

Jungkook clapped his hands after Namjoon finished his presentation.

"Just as what I expected, comming from our Student Council President." He proudly claimed.

Namjoon is very popular on their school before because of his brain and looks, even if he is the most bastard one and have a short tempered on their squad, the school can't expel or suspend him because he makes the school name highly known.

"But can I ask you one question, Namjoon-ah?" Jungkook continued making Namjoon looked up to him.

"As our new stockholder, do you think we need to change the interiors of this casino?"

Namjoon then chuckled before nodding "Yes Mr. Jeon, we need to add your style in this casino." He replied wiggling his brows as the other nods. Namjoon admits that when it comes into being a perfectionist and a stylist, Jungkook is a full package of that. His styles is very unique, he even suggest his father to make an interior store.

"Alright, you may leave now. Congrats Namjoon-ah."

Namjoon then went to Jungkook to shake his hands before leaving the office. Just as Namjoon leave the office, he called over for his secretary

"What is it, Mr. Jeon?"

"Give me a list of the finest interior designers here in Korea."

His secretary nods and a list of interior designers flashed at the screen.

"The top 1 is Kim Seokjin, Sir." His secretary said showing the details of Kim Seokjin at the screen.

Jungkook then leaned on his swivel chair, his other hand playing with a pen, a smirk painted his name.

"Kim Seokjin huh. I want him here, tonight."


tHe dEviL hAs aRRIVED sAy iT wiTh mE tHe dEv-

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