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*Real quick everyone I just want to shout out to two people real quick. One is @dysxnix_ who created this lovely cover, her work is amazing and she is wonderful! I love it. Another person is @Luna21_324 she created a wonderful comic, starting with Unexpected and it is wonderful I love it!! I recommend checking it out, I went full fangirl over it and got super happy (if that makes since). Go check out her page to find it it's called Unexpected comic, where you can read the book in picture. Now ... um enjoy the prologue!*

I turn under the covers, the sun's light reaching my eyes causing me to wince lightly. My muscles screamed in agony, as the soreness of past events took effect. Wait ... the attack! I sat up quickly, my eyes snapping open in shock as I looked around.

I was in a room with (f/c) painted walls, a white wooden wardrobe with a plant resting on top of it along with a mirror hanging above it on the wall. There was also what looked like a walk in closet a few feet away from the bed. I look down seeing white silky sheets laying over my legs as well as a black nightgown laying over my body. I noticed a few bandages wrapped around my right upper arm, and felt some on my shin as well.

I feel a cool breeze flow through the room, I look over to see a thin white curtain flowing with the wind. I push the covers back, swinging my legs around to the side of the bed. I pushed myself off the bed, stumbling as I stood up on my feet. My legs were stiff as my muscles cramped slightly, as if I went on a long road trip.

I walk over towards the curtains, pushing them out of the way to see a white, marble stone balcony. I walk onto it, feeling the warm stone soothe my aching feet. I walk up to the edge, looking around in awe.

There were houses that seemed to be made out of white or light grey stone, they were slightly rounded as the top instead of pointed like a usual roof. Surrounding the entire city was what looked like a tropical forest, when I looked straight ahead there was a large waterfall, falling down into a pool which was connected to a river which ran through the city and out into the forest.

My eyebrows crease in confusion, I swear I was somewhere with snow ... not this beautiful paradise. Though I'm not complaining. I watched as a few red macaws flew above in the sky, flying over the houses and buildings before landing on a tree just below the balcony which I was standing on.

That's when I started to wonder, I wasn't in a house that's for sure, it was much too large and ... more fancy. I turned around to look up to find white stone climbing high, the top was a dome that had a tealish - bluish color. On top of it was a teal and white flag but ... I couldn't see the markings clearly. The stone gave off an ancient greek vibe.

"Ah, you're awake. I was worried Antarctica arrived too late." That voice ... I know that voice but ... it can't be. I look into my room, seeing a figure standing behind the thin white curtains. The figure walked through, revealing a man wearing khaki pants, a sea foam green shirt , and a necklace of a light brown sea shell which looked like it once belonged to a hermit crab. He also had gold wrist bands around his wrists and a wedding band on his ring finger. He had teal skin along with his face, in white was a trident which was in the middle of his face, arrow-like markings were pointing away from the trident on either side of his face, two smaller arrows were pointing downward below the trident. He had white eyes, (h/c) which was starting to fade into teal, and a bright smile on his face.

Tears formed into my own eyes, "Dad?" I questioned, taking a cautious step forward, unsure if it was really him due to his new features. 

He smiled, giving a small nod as tears welled up in his eyes as well, opening his arms wide. I smiled while tears streamed down my face as I ran forward, jumping into his arms. "Dad!" I exclaimed, he laughed lightly.

"I never thought I would ever get the chance to see you again." He spoke, hugging me tightly. I then pull, away wiping my tears with the back of my hand. "Is Hunter coming here soon? I thought he would be with you when you came through."

My smile faded into a frown, the images from yesterday, or at least I think it was yesterday, flooded into memory, I looked down towards the ground, a shadow casting over my eyes. "Dad ... there is a lot you missed."

??? POV

I pushed myself off the ground, looking around in confusion as sand covered the entire ground. "Where is she?" I growled, picking up the gun that I dropped, walking across the sand dunes, ignoring the pain in my shoulder.

"She is going to pay for what she did to my master." I spoke, glaring at the horizon. However ... I couldn't but feel like I have seen her before, but where? 

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