Chapter 24

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Germany's POV

I drove along the streets, deciding to pay Poland and (Y/N) a little visit. Might as well since I'll be taking her next. Besides it would be good to see how she was doing, this must all be stressful for her. Moving from one place to the next, never really getting much of a break.

I drove up the driveway of Poland's house before stepping out of the car, closing the door behind me as I walked up to the front door, typing a few things on my phone before slipping it into my pocket.

I froze as I noticed the door was ajar, I creeped forward, pushing the door slightly open to find Poland on the ground, his body resting in a pool of crimson red. I ran forward, crouching down to his side, "Poland!" I gave him a small shake, noticing a gun shot wound on his head ... or what was a gunshot wound in his head. Now it was completely healed, however, he seemed as if he was in a deep sleep.

Whoever shot him was either not a country or a dead country, I then stood up when a single thought ran through my mind. "(Y/N)!" I call out, running around the house, seeing her stuff was here but no sign of her. "Oh no." I began to panic, slipping out my phone to call down an ambulance for Poland before dialing a number holding my phone to my ear.

Once I hear the other end pick up I say in a panic like voice, "(Y/N)'s gone!"

(Y/N)'s POV

I groan, blinking open my eyes as I shake away the blurriness. I looked around, noticing I was in what looks like an old dining room. The walls were wooden along with the floors, there was an old cast iron stove which looked to be around the 1800s. There was a door with old white curtain hanging from the window of the door. Outside looked snowy white, as a forest seemed just right outside.

I tried to move my arms, only to find them tied behind my back, or I guess really zip tied behind my back. I wiggled, trying to slip it off my wrists but I stopped as I felt the chair wobble and creak.

"Well look who's awake." I look up to see Confederate walking into the room with Martial behind him, smirks on their faces.

My eyes narrowed into a glare as the events that happened before flashed through my mind. "You." I growled, my body trembling with anger. I then slammed the zip tie onto the back of the chair with all of my might causing the zip tie to snap as I jumped up onto my feet.

I charged forward straight towards Confederate who froze in shock, punching him across the face as I screamed out, "You killed Poland!" Martial moved forward, wrapping his arms around my waist as he lifted me off the ground, thinking this would stop me.

I turned my head to glare as him, elbowing him in the nose, causing him to let go. I fell back down onto my feet, swinging my foot to take his feet out from under him as he fell flat onto his back. I ducked down, avoiding a punch from Confederate before kneeing him hard in the gut causing him to stumble back, his arms wrapped around his midsection.

He looked up at me, glaring right into my eyes, I returned the glare. "Listen, h-" I didn't let him finish as I charged forward once more, tackling him to the ground as I placed my knee on his hand which was reaching for his gun.

"You killed him." I growled, wrapping my fingers around his neck, squeezing till air couldn't pass through his wind pipe. I then smirk, "And now I'll kill you in return." I watched as he begin to struggle, taking his hand that wasn't pinned by my knee, trying to pry my hands away from his neck. I watched with satisfaction as tears pricked his eyes, the smug look on his face now replaced with fear, struggling to breath as he gasped like a fish out of water. I glanced over towards the promise ring Poland gave me, my shoulders relaxing as my smirk faded into a frown. I look back over at Confederate to see myself smirking, her silver crown on top of her head as the dark blue jewels seemed to glisten in the light.

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