Notice!! Important!!

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Hello fellow readers!! I came to talk about one thing, which I have mentioned on my page. My followers have seen this post and some of you commented about it which I'm happy for. 

But recently I have been seeing more things and I just want to say this. 

I am pissed off, disappointed, and scared for/of my country. Yeah sure, SOME cops have started violence against protestors. But I have ALSO seen just straight up riots, the people starting the violence first, not the cops. I have seen SUCCESSFUL peaceful protests, where cops have joined them and protected them. 

Most of you are claiming Malcom X, saying that rioting is the only way for our voice to be heard. You know, throughout my life, the only time I have ever heard Malcom X name was when I was in high school. The only time, I learned that he supported and told others to commit violence. Saying it was the only way their voice would be heard.

MLK was different, in fact he was beaten, thrown in jail, and had to watch his people suffer over and over and over again. Many of his marches was stopped by the police, firing bullets and beating up people they catch in the protest. But did he ever turn violent? Tell me, tell me one time he turned violent! Yes, he was angry, oh he was pissed off. But he never turned violent, nor did his followers as they instead called the police officers and racist white people their brothers. They forgived them, and continued fighting for what was right by PEACEFULLY doing so. 

I am watching all this violence and I am seeing these comments of people screaming out ACAB or how riots will be the only thing that can make us heard. That is NOT true, NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD. RIOTING ISN'T GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. It is just going to tear our country apart even more than it already is. 

I cry whenever I see those buildings on fire, when I see those people getting hurt during these protests as they are turned violent by the police. When I see people start rioting as they hit cop cars or start destroying buildings, before the cops did anything. 

But I feel rage when I see people antagonizing the cops or other people on the street. I have seen a woman shoving against a cops shield over and over again, antagonizing him, getting him riled up. But he stayed calm. I see people stopping a truck with a trailer of horses, moving SLOWLY, through the crowd of people, just trying to get home. Want to know what happened? The horses were set on fire. You know what else happened, a dog got hit by a rock that was thrown by a rioter in a NEIGHBORHOOD!

I know, some of you will say, "You shouldn't have let the dog outside then." or, "That's why you don't take a dog to protests." 

Really? They have to keep their dog from using the bathroom during these protests, you have to lock your dog inside the house? 

There were cops in that video, doing nothing but standing there, not doing anything to the protestors. But someone decided to throw a rock at them, miss, and hit a dog. 

I've seen children hurt. A poor little girl got tear gas in her eye, which is the cops fault. Which is how most of the kids I heard got hurt, they could have been on the sidewalk, going home.  

I literally watch a person comment saying they only support peaceful protestors, and get attacked for it. People saying things like, "You are the problem." and "You are clearly uncultured. ACAB." Things like that. 

You know, yes peacefully protesting doesn't seem to work. What did you expect? It to happen in one day? In two years? No, you know how long MLK protested for? Around 16-18 years. That's how long, yet here we are. Most of the segregation gone as a result. 

Violence isn't the answer, not for things like this. All you are doing is fueling the flames to something bigger, to something even more worse. I do agree, the police system NEEDS to change in some way shape or form. Not all cops or protestors are going to resort to violence, I agree with that. I have even seen it.  

I love my country, always have and always will, and I hate to see it like this. I don't want to see it torn down, burned, broke apart. I want to see everyone come together, in peace and together get the word out there through their voice. Just like what MLK did and would want us to do if he was still here. 

You know who would be disappointed right now? Martin Luther King Jr. , Rosa Park, the people that were apart of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, I think even Malcom X would be disappointed as he even realized violence wasn't the way. George Floyd and his family wouldn't and didn't want this to happen. 

I just wanted to say this, so at least I can have my voice heard in some way. I support the movement, 100%. But I say we need to stay peaceful, just like all the people before us, just like MLK. To stay peaceful no matter what and remember that the cops in front of us are humans as well. That just because they are standing there doesn't mean they are bad. All you hear about are the bad, but there are plenty of good cops out there. No, good people out in this world, in this country. 

Stay safe. 

Stay strong. 

Stay peaceful. 

God bless America.

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