Chapter 3

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I dressed in a long black gown, with long black sleeves which were tight until it reached the elbows, which frilled outwards. It's been a few days, my father told me that before we do anything, I should have some time to adjust and mourn for the loss. Which I did, now seeing the death of my mother as a good thing, but ... I still couldn't help but mourn for her. She was a wonderful mother before she turn into a total control freak. Then there was Will, Galan, Abigail, and my two cousins ... they didn't deserve to be brought into this, to have their lives ended. Then there was Benjamin, who was the last thing I had left of my brother besides Echo, the last person I had who never gave up on me. Today I attend their funeral, for their bravery should be remembered today, as they be put to rest. 

"My lady." I turn around from where I stood, looking out the balcony, where the city was lit up with white lights, almost blending into the night sky. The river itself seemed to give off a glow, helping to light up the seemingly magical city. "It is time." Ama spoke, she wasn't dressed in her normal attire, instead she was also dressed in black, a soft smile on her face. With the past few days, Ama and I have formed a bond, as she showed me around the castle and helped me learn some Atlantean culture. 

"I told you Ama, you can call me (Y/N)." I respond, walking up to the woman. 

"Of course, forgive me (Y/N)." She said with a small bow of her head. 

I waved my hand, "No need to apologize." I then notice a white flower in her hands, it seemed to give off a white glow. "What is this?" I ask her, looking at the flower in awe. 

"This is a Star Lily, for it shines and thrives in the dark. We use these flowers to carry the spirits of the dead down the river and out into the ocean where they are set free." She spoke, holding out the flower for me to take. "This one is for you." 

I take the flower into the palms of my hands asking, "What do I do with it?" 

"You and Atlantis along with the guard and some civilians, including myself, will walk down to where the river leaves the city. There you will whisper the names of the deceased into the flower and place it in the river." She explained with a sympathetic smile. 

I nodded in understanding, looking down at the white glowing flower. "Now, come. Atlantis is waiting for us by the exit." She holds her hand for me to take. I took it without hesitation, as she guided me out of my room, balancing the star lily with one hand. She led me down the same halls when I first came here, except this time the halls were lit of by white shining orbs which were connected to the walls of the hall. Ama led me down the stairs and into the throne room where my father waited, a star lily in his hands as well, dressed in a black suit. 

He smile softly, reaching out his own hand to me. I pulled my hand away from Ama's before taking his own hand. We walked out into the open air, going through the opened, large white wooden doors, which seemed to glow silver in the moonlight. Guards dressed in glistening white armor carrying large silver pointed staffs held the doors open on both sides. One thing that I noticed is that everyone here seemed to be either pure white, pure teal, or a mix of both in different patterns like Ama, each person having the colors of my father's flag. Which would explain why the countries looked at me so differently when they first met me ... it was because people in their world took after the colors of the countries flags. 

We walked down the grand marble steps where civilians waited down below us, each one of them dressed in black and carrying a star lily. Sadness shone in their eyes, they must be mourning lost ones as well. We made our way down, taking the lead, walking in front of the people as we walked into the city, walking among the grey stone houses which shone silver in the moonlight. 

We made our way to the river, where guards were waiting for us. When we passed them, they followed, as we walked alongside the river till we reached the end of the now quiet city. My father stepped forwards near the edge, whispering to the flower before placing it into the river. He then nodded to me, taking a small step back. 

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