Chapter 17

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I placed my suitcase by the couch before grabbing my shoes from the corner, slipping them on quickly. At this point, I honestly don't know who is picking me up next, Russia didn't want to tell me because he wanted it to be a surprise. I then slouch on the couch, now growing bored and impatient.

"What's with the pouty look?" I look over to see Ukraine with a mug in his hand, while his other hand was in his sweatshirt pocket.

"I'm just impatient is all. I don't know who's going to pick me up today unlike the times before." I tell him as I sit up slightly, looking up at him with a small smile.

"Y-You're leaving?" Ukraine asked his eyes widening slightly as the grip on his mug tightened.

Russia, who was now climbing down the stairs carrying a small bag, spoke with a raised brow, "Yeah. That was the deal we made with her father. She was with the dead countries for the longest time before moving off to Britain's household and then ours." Russia walked up next to me, handing the bag over while he explained, "It's to throw off anyone who tends to harm her. Every two weeks she moves on to the next country."

Ukraine looked away, casting his eyes down towards the ground, "Oh ... I see."

"Don't worry Ukraine! We will get to see (Y/N) again when everything calms down in her kingdom." Belarus exclaimed, plopping down on the couch next to me as he pulled me in to a hug. I couldn't help but hug the adorable country back as he continued to talk, "We are going back to Atlantis with her as well. You can come if you want then."

Ukraine perked up at that idea, the sadness in his eyes dimming. "Yeah, I'm sure my father wouldn't mind." I tell him, looking up at him with a smile. "He would love to meet you."

Ukraine's cheeks darkened slightly, but he quickly turned away as he spoke, "Yeah ... maybe I will tag along."

Then there was a knock at the door, I pulled away from Belarus to face myself towards the door, watching Russia walk up to it. I then stand up, Belarus standing up as well, as Russia unlocked the door, before turning the knob to open it.

"God, I thought you would never answer the door! It's freezing out here." I hear a familiar, shivering, voice say with agitation.

"It was only thirty seconds since you knocked." Russia spoke with an unamused tone before letting out a sigh as he stepped aside. "Come one inside before you freeze to death you big baby." Russia spoke, as he gestured for the country to step inside.

My eyes sparkled as Phil stepped through the door, looking like a giant walking marshmallow with a thick scarf around his neck. He scoffed at Russia's comment, "Big baby? It's in the negati-"

"Phil!" I interrupted him, practically throwing myself onto the country causing him to stumble back slightly.

Phil looked surprised for a moment before realizing who it was that practically jumped on him. He hugged me in return while saying with a small chuckle, "Good to see you again as well (Y/N)." He then pushed me away slightly so he could look me in the eyes, "Do you have everything?"

"Yep!" I reply, pulling away from him completely, turning around to grab my suitcase to find Belarus. I smile softened as I gazed up at him, before giving him a small hug, before pulling away to say, "I will miss you Belarus."

He smiled softly in return, "I know."

I walk around him, going to my suitcase, pressing the button to lift of the handle, allowing me to pull the suitcase behind me. I see the plastic bag come into view, I followed the hand holding the bag to see Ukraine with a stoic expression.

I took the bag from his hands before giving him a small hug as well, causing him to tense slightly in surprise. "It was nice meeting you Ukraine, maybe we'll see each other again in the future." I say, pulling away to look up at him, before glancing over towards Kazakhstan, "It was nice meeting you as well Kazakhstan."

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