Drama/Action Oneshots Part 3

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*Play this ^ when (Y/N) starts talking to Canada*

I ran across the grassy ground, ignoring the branches that scraped across my skin as I continued running. Jumping over logs and roots that laid in my path. The forest was silent in the dark of the night, the full moon lighting my way, the only sound being my footsteps as it crushed the grass below.

How could I let it come to this? How did I not notice? America was trying to warn me, but I didn't listen no matter how many times he confronted me. Why didn't I listen to my best friend? To his brother?

For how long I have been dating Canada, I have never noticed anything odd at first, I was happy and so was he. But ... then people started disappearing, the people I was close to and those who ever talked down to me. He still seemed normal but ... he was tense, often paranoid, as if there was a target on his back.

My heart drummed against my chest, my legs screaming for me to stop and rest. But I can't, I just can't. If I slow down, if I stop for even a second, I will lose another person that I care about. Tears welled up in my eyes before being blown away by the wind.

I slowed down to a stop, in front of me was a small clearing, Canada and America facing one another. America was on the ground, looking up at his brother in fear as he raised the axe threateningly.

"Canada! No!" I scream out, running up to him, grabbing him by his arm, preventing him from doing anything.

"(Y/N)?" Canada questioned, looking down at me with a confused look on his face. 

"We're finally free." I say, lowering his axe towards the ground. "Welcome home. It's just you and me now ... ok." I say softly, staring into his eyes. "Standing alone, the world is ours."

His stare hardened, "No it isn't." He spoke through clenched teeth, the grip on his axe tightening.

"Get in the car." I say, placing my hands on his shoulders, attempting to back him away from America.

"This isn't finished." Canada growled, pushing me back gently, looking past me at America.

I look up at him confused, "What?"

"Even though the kid's dead, I'm still seeing red, I'm just a shell of his form that his innocence shed!" He shouted, his eyes shaking with fear as he looked down at his older brother.

I look up at him softly, speaking calmly "He lived a good life and he gave it to you."

"Oh is that right?" Canada questioned, taking a step towards America. "You know it's not true!" He growled, I raised a brow, glancing over to look at America, his eyes covered by the shadow of his hair. "Now look in my eyes in my eyes, he still holds the power, after years and tears of confronting his fears. He's dead on his record for the world to hear."

My eyes widened in shock, as I turned my head once more to look down at America, his hands now squeezed into a fist. 'He's not saying that ...' I thought, my hands covering my mouth as I stood slightly to the side to stand next to Canada.

"And they'll all think that is was suicide. But America I know it was you inside!" Canada growled, pointing his axe at America.

America shot is head up, glaring at Canada as he spoke, "I saved him, I held him, till the moment he died!"

"You choked him out of his god d@mn mind!" Canada countered, causing America to flinch lightly. "You promised him a god d@mn lie!" Canada then looked at me, gesturing to America with his head.

I shook my head while saying, "What do you want from me?" Almost sounding like a whisper as my voice shook.

"Oh look outside yourself." Canada said, glancing over towards America before back at me, adjusting the grip on his axe, my eyes widening in realization.

I look down towards my feet, "I won't help you take him down."

"Fine." Canada responded, before turning to face America. "I'll do it by myself!" He stated adjusting the grip on his axe.

I immediately jumped in front of him, I don't want him to do something he will regret, even if America did do those things ... he is still his brother that he loves dearly. "You don't need it!"

"Oh I know that I need it." Canada spoke with a slight chuckle as the grimace remained on his face.

"He's been gone for years! I know you can beat it!" I yell at him as tears drip down my cheeks.

"No look in the mirror, you know we both fear him! We're one in the same, we're afraid to be near him!" Canada shouted, shoving me away, causing me to tumble to the ground, looking over to see him stalking towards America. "We utter the name, with our spirits defeated! But you let me kill him! You're worse than Soviet!" Canada shouted as he loomed over America.

"I told you to end it! It was all for the best!" America shouted back, looking up at Canada in horror.

Canada raised his axe, ready to strike, "So I have you to blame for this pain in my chest!?"

I jumped to my feet, shoving him away as I screamed out, "NO!" Canada stumbled slightly, nearly losing his balance.

He then shot me a glare as he walked towards me, "If you won't go I will! To avenge the lost soul I killed!"

I shake my head, "You're filling your heart up with hate. All the same-"

"No." Canada spoke softly.

"As the kid-"


"That you just left-"


"Face down on the-"


"Pavement!" I finished, looking at him desperately.

"It's time I made a statement. A pity the world ruined us, we could've fooled UN." America spoke with a smirk as he stood up on his feet. "Just the two of us, but, Russia has made a fool of us."

I shake my head, "You're lost."

"One, two, three, four." Canada sounded as he took steps towards America. "Is this what love is really for? Is this all I get for being yours!? The kid in front of me in blood and gore!" Canada shouted, glaring at his older brother as tears started to form in his eyes, adjusting the grip on his axe once more, his hands trembling.

"Five, six, seven, eight." America spoke, taking a few steps forward as well till he was

a foot apart. "Years put to waste for all I hate. They'll all know Russia's fate." He spoke, causing our eyes to go wide, America slipping out what looks like a detonator. "Show's about to start. Don't be late." He spoke, pressing the button with his thumb. 

I've been wanting to try something like this for awhile now! I am going to give an explanation but I want to hear what you guys think is going on. I would love to hear what you guys think is happening. If someone gets it right I will let you guys know :)

Another thing, I was going to do a North and South thing which was suggested by someone but ... I couldn't find it in the comments anywhere. I even had my sister look for it just in case I was just blind but she couldn't find it either. So I deeply apologize to that person, I guess it's some weird glitch in Wattpad I don't know. 

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this!

What do you guys think I should do next?

Till next time!

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