Chapter 13

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I shoved my clothes into the small suit case along with my other things. I heard a small knock on the door, without looking up I say, "Come in!" I placed my hair brush and my other bath products inside the zipper pocket. 

"Long time no see." I freeze, looking over to see America who was leaning against the doorframe. "That's a lot of stuff you have there."

"Ame!" I exclaimed, jumping up to my feet, running up to him, wrapping my arms around his midsection. 

Ame laughed lightly, wrapping his own arms around me, returning the hug. "You got everything?" He questioned with a warm smile. 

"Yep!" I answer, pulling away from him, walking over towards my small suitcase, zipping it up before lifting it up onto its wheels. "Echo, c'mon it's time to go." I say softly, as Echo came out from the closet with her three children following behind her, going into the crate. Once she was inside and comfortable, I lifted the crate placing it on my bed as I slip on my jacket before picking up the crate once more. 

America picked up my suit case, rolling it out of the room. "I can take that." I say quickly, walking over to Ame. 

"Nah, I got it, besides your going to have your hands full with Hunter." Ame pointed out with a small smile. 

"You sure?" 

"Positive. This hardly weighs anything." Ame replied with a shrug, lifting up the suitcase as he walked down the stairs as I followed after him. I nod to him in thanks as I reached the bottom where Reich, RE, Soviet, and Reichtangle waited patiently. 

I walked up to them, with a soft smile, "Thanks for letting me stay here." 

"Of course liebling." Reich responded with a warm smile. 

"Your company was a blessing my queen." RE added, bowing his head slightly. 

I gave each of them a small hug, before pulling away from them, taking Hunter's leash from Soviet. "Be safe (Y/N)." Soviet spoke softly as he gave me Hunter's leash, placing a small kiss on top of my head,  a faint blush forming along my cheeks. Unaware of the glares coming from America and Reich, the other two simply looking away. 

Soviet pulled away, smiling down at me as he did so. America grabbed a hold of my hand with his free one, "C'mon (Y/N), the others are waiting for us." He gave me a slight tug towards him as he gestured to the door with his head. 

"Bye." I say with a small wave, as they waved in return. I allowed Ame to drag me out towards a plane which was on a run way which I have never knew it was there till now. The snow crunched under our feet, Hunter going at a slow trot by my side. 

Ame allowed me to climb the steps, going into the plane to see it have seats that you would find in the living room along with a small table and an option to turn the seats to face the other person. The floor was carpeted with a beige, soft carpet, there was even different rooms in the back of the plane if you ever want to sleep, drink, use the bathroom, or want to party. They literally had labels above the doors. 

"Cool isn't it?" Ame questioned behind me. 

I turn to him, a smile forming along my lips, "Yeah it is. Is this your plane?" 

"Nope, it's Britain's. I just decided to borrow it." Ame answered, placing my suitcase in one of the compartments above the seats. "Besides he wasn't going to use it anytime soon." 

Canada's POV

"Is this good?" I say, lifting the corner of the large, rectangular banner a bit more up. Aussie seemed to think for a moment before giving me a thumbs up, "Looks good mate." I nod in thanks to my younger brother, pinning the corner to the wall by using tape.  

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