Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since I've been at the house of the "dead countries", that's what the others called it anyway. So far I've just been bonding with Hunter, Echo, and Echo's kids. Soviet, Reich, RE, or Russian Empire, and Reichtangle have been visiting me almost every hour of the day. 

Don't get me wrong, I have been coming out of my room ... quite often actually. The only problem is ... Japanese Empire. It first started out with simple glares and snaps whenever I would get close to her, which I could of course handle just fine. But the second day, it took a turn for the worse as where ever I go something bad happens and Japanese Empire was there. It started out with a bucket of spoiled milk being poured on my head to now the most recent is knives being flown at me. Thank goodness Reich was there as he was the one that pulled me out of the way before scolding Japanese Empire. 

To make things even better, I have been having the same nightmare each night, seeing me covered in blood as I take off my father's head before sitting on the throne, seeing the dead, and hearing the name myself claims to be called ... Olympus. 

Now today ... I really don't want to go out of my room to deal with Japanese Empire, especially when the same nightmare happening again. Mother Nature calls, as shark week begins today, the sharp pain of feeling someone stab into my gut is ten fold. I knew it was going to start soon, it was a bit late but that isn't surprising as I have been under lots of stress these past few weeks. But whenever it's late, that means the pain increases almost ten times as it usually does. 

I curl into a tight ball under the covers as the pain sort of expands, spreading to my hips and to my lower back. I took two pills, but that hardly dulled the pain at all. 

I could hear Echo let out a hiss as she slithered over to me, rubbing her head along my nose. I smile despite the pain, reaching my hand out from under the covers to rub Echo's head. "Good morning girl." I say softly, wincing lightly as a shot of pain spread across my gut, causing me to bring my legs in more. "I think today is a stay in bed day." 

I hear a knock on the door as Soviet spoke through the door saying, "Breakfast is ready." I let out a quiet groan into my pillow. 

"Coming!" I call back out to him in fake enthusiasm, hearing his footsteps moving away from my door. "Echo ... kill me." I say, still keeping my head in the pillow. 

Echo let out a hiss, nudging my head lightly, as if to say, "Stop complaining and get up, at least you didn't have to lay three eggs." 

I groan once more before pushing myself up, letting the covers slide off me. Echo slithering off the bed, going over to the crate to tend to her children. I stumble over to the window, pulling back the curtains, looking out the window to see snow flurries flow down to the ground. However, the flurries melted at contact, not sticking to the ground. 

I let out a sigh as my eyes wandered to the forest, wandering to myself if I should go take a small walk. It would certainly distract me from this annoying pain. I pull away, allowing the curtain to fall in place before going over to my closest picking out some black leggings and a grey sweatshirt along with a thin long sleeved shirt that had a puppy on it. I get changed quickly before walking out of my room, going to the bathroom, grabbing my hair brush only to see the prongs ripped out. I then roll my eyes before grabbing my toothbrush, seeing the head was torn off of it. 

I threw my toothbrush into the trash can along with the hairbrush in frustration, nearly knocking the trashcan over. I then took a deep breath in and out, calming myself, before wincing again as the constant sharp pain came back. I let out another groan, dragging my fingers through my hair. 

"Whatever. I'll buy another toothbrush and hairbrush later or something." I say, as I crouched down, opening up the cabinet under the sink grabbing my deodorant, opening it only to see it was filled with salt. I grinned my teeth together, letting out an angry huff, slamming it into the trashcan before I stalked out of the bathroom, rubbing my silver cuffs in frustration. 

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