Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

The cool night breeze flowed into the palace room, the curtains waving in the wind as the doctor and king spoke. "She will be fine now that the poison is out of her system. She is very lucky, if that blade would've made its mark ... she would've been dead in a matter of seconds." The doctor spoke, looking down at (Y/N) who was fast asleep.

A bandage was wrapped around her neck, beads of sweat was scattered across her forehead, some of it running down her face. Ama walks into the room with a bowl of water and a few rags. "Thank you Ama." Atlantis said with a nod, allowing the woman to pass. Atlantis then turned towards the doctor, "Will she be able to wake soon?"

"Yes, once the fever has dwindled she should wake." The doctor answered with a small nod. "If she doesn't wake by tomorrow, just give me a call."

"Thank you doctor, you may leave." Atlantis spoke with a nod. The doctor bowed, before turning around and exiting the room.

Atlantis looked back down at his daughter, sadness sparkling in his eyes as he watched Ama place a cold rag on her forehead, before stepping away. I sat down on the bed side, "Please forgive me my child, I did not mean to drag you into my mess."

"It wasn't your fault Atlantis and you know it." Ama said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I know Ama ... but I can't help but feel partly responsible." Atlantis spoke with a sigh, his shoulders slumping. "I should've warned her about the rebellious group instead of making her think this country was safe."

"I'm sure she won't hold it against you my king." Ama spoke, letting her hand slip from his shoulder, as she walked over to change (Y/N)'s towel.

Atlantis merely nodded, standing back up on his feet. "I fear she has to leave." Atlantis spoke his mind, as he began to walk towards the exit. Ama followed after him, carrying the dirty towel and a few pills form the counter they don't need anymore.

"What are you talking about Atlantis? This is her home." Ama stated firmly, glaring up at the teal country.

Atlantis let out a small sigh before explaining, "That is true, but I fear she is in much more danger here. I will have to speak to Juno about this." He spoke before closing the door behind him, the room falling quiet.

The only thing that be heard was the breeze which blowed through the open doors, crickets could be heard chirping outside.

A man dressed in black climbed up onto the balcony, his one silver and blue eye glimmered in the moonlight as he stepped down onto the marble balcony softly, careful not to make a sound. He adjusted the cloth over his nose as he stepped into the room, cautiously going over to the door, pressing his ear against it. When there was no sound coming form the other end, the male relaxed, locking the door while he pushed himself away from the door. He stepped towards the bedside, looking down at the woman laying across the bed.

Meanwhile, Atlantis could only think of one person who could possibly take her into hiding, "Reichtangle, do you mind if we can speak for a moment?" Atlantis spoke as he entered Reichtangle's room.

"Of course old friend. What is it?" Reichtangle questioned, standing up from where he sat on the bed, placing his book down.

"I was wondering if you could take (Y/N) to the retirement home you share with the other dead countries?" Atlantis asks, fiddling with his necklace.

Reichtangle raised a brow, "Are you sure this is wise? That house could be very dangerous for her."

"The idea is still currently up for debate, but I'm sure if Soviet, Reich, Russian Empire, and yourself are with her. I doubt the other ... bad countries would touch her." Atlantis claimed, confidence laced in his calming tone. "Besides, that place is out of the eyes of the public. We would need to move her around in order to prevent the rebellious group from finding out where she is ... but none the less, it would be a good place to hideout." Atlantis added.

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