Chapter 18

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I slept soundly after having a small game night which we stayed up till dawn the other day, yesterday everyone was basically asleep except Singapore. Phil's friends are very interesting, despite them arguing ... a lot. But I guess that's what friends do, tease and bicker, not to mention they practically insult each other almost all the time. 

I have noticed in the past few days I've realized both Indonesia and Malaysia are very similar to Phil. The only differences are is that Indonesia can be very sarcastic and has a bit of a temper; while Malaysia is the prankster and can be very prideful in a few ways ... which is how the arguments start sometimes. 

Singapore isn't really involved with the three friends, instead he tends to work ... on something on the computer. He also seems very serious, and mature compare to those three. Not to mention, he has a big brother vibe when it comes to them, I only see it when he gets tired of the noise and drags them by their ears. I think the only time I didn't see him on that computer was when he joined us in game night the other night, seeming to be enjoying himself.

But nonetheless, I have been hanging out with Phil mostly. He's been giving me a tour of his country, showing me the best cities, places to hike, snorkeling with jellyfish, and much more. Not to mention the food there is wonderful! Especially the fish and rice, they tasted great. 

I turn over under my covers, as I start to grow uncomfortable, before slowly falling back to sleep after I adjusted. I jump as I heard my door slam open, hitting the wall, with Phil screaming, "(Y/N) get up!" 

I groan, lifting my covers over my head, "Just five more minutes." I then feel something heavy land on top of me, causing the air to squeeze out of my lungs. I coughed for a few moment before pushing the covers off my head to see Phil grinning mischievously at me. 

I laughed, "Phil get off your heavy!" 

"Nah, I'm kind of comfortable now." He spoke with grin, going limp, making himself heavier. 

I laughed, before struggling to push him off, until I rolled under him, causing him to fall off the bed once I was on my stomach, right on the edge of the bed. "Well, care to explain why you woke me up?" I question, pushing myself up to a sitting position as Phil jumped up to his feet. 

"We are going to the beach! Make sure you bring your goggles, just in case ya know, see something in the water." He said with a bright smile as he starting backing towards the door. "Oh and uh ... quick question. Do you know how to surf?" 

"Yep, my brother and I would surf whenever he would go on business trips that have a coast line." I answer with a small shrug, looking up at him with a smile.

He smirked, "Cool, then you can count on surfing today." He then closed the door behind him, I then look over towards the alarm clock besides my bed to see it was eight in the morning. I let out a small sigh, before shrugging. "Oh well, at least I'm going to the beach."

I opened the closet to grab the swimsuit I hung up since I was letting it dry after giving it a small rinse after snorkeling with Phil a few days ago. The swimsuit was actually made by Ama, the bottoms were black which had open lines connecting the front to the back, showing some skin on my hips. It came with a top that was also black but it faded to a teal in the front and on the end of the strings, a symbol of a white trident on the right strap. 

I took it off the bottoms and top off the hanger to feel it was all dry, a bit cold but dry nonetheless. I slip off the necklace around my neck, placing it inside the pocket of the suitcase so I wouldn't loose it. I then changed into my swimsuit quickly before walking into the connected bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair. 

I rub my silver cuffs as I walk out, seeming to think on what I should use to store the clothes that I will change into. I then look over at the plastic bag Russia gave me yesterday, I walk over to it, taking out the contents and putting them inside the suitcase for the time being while shove my undergarments and a towel inside the bag. I then slip on a pair of dark blue jean shorts and a light blue, splotched T-shirt with tied knots on the bottom. 

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