Chapter 8

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I was frozen, I couldn't move as I watched guards from my country get slaughtered by what looked like people in grey cloaks, which their cloaks become decorated with red after each kill. Soon the silver and blue tiled floors were decorated in this color, bodies littered the floor, some even seemed to be ripped apart by an animal. 

I wanted to scream out for them to stop, but nothing came out. I tried to run up and help in the fight ... but my muscles won't move. 

All I could do was watch. 

The next thing I see is my father being dragged in, the people in cloaks forcing him on his knees before the throne. He glared at the people in defiance, "You won't get away with this! My daughter still lives! She will be the next Atlantis and destroy you all!" He shouted at them. 

"Oh we are counting on it." One of the people spoke, a smug grin forming along their lips. 

My father look at them with a confused expression, before turning his attention over towards the hallway. The sound of heels clicking on tile echoed off the walls, each step added to the fear in my heart. Whoever this person is ... they had a dark aura surrounding them that demands attention.  

My eyes widened as the figure came to view, walking up to my father, a smirk on her features. Her red eyes glowed with triumph, her hands were drenched in blood, her (h/c) waved in each step, her red gown which faded into black dragged across the blood stained floor. "Hello father." She spoke with a sickening sweet smile. 

"(Y/N)?" My father questioned, a look of betrayal in his eyes. "But ... why?" 

"Why? To keep my promise with Nova of course." She spoke with a smirk, twirling with a sword in her hand. "What kind of sister would I be if I went back on my word?" She questioned, letting out a small giggle. 

"You ... you were behind this the entire time?" My father questioned, looking up at her in horror. 

She laughed, "Why of course I was! Do you really think these idiots could have actually done something like this?" She gestured to the room around her before shaking her head, her smile staying on her face, "No, no, no. They would've all ended up in jail or something." She spoke with a wave of her hand, as if she was shooing off a fly. 

"(Y/N) ... this isn't you. I know I forced this upon you and I should've been there when he-" My eyes widened as a small scream escaped my throat as the woman cut him off by taking her sword and slicing his head clean off. The rim of the sword sparked with electricity, almost making the edge of the sword similar to a laser. The crown clattered against the floor, sliding away form my father's severed head. 

"Oh shut up." She growled, glaring down at the head. "Get this body out of my sight!" She order the cloak men. 

"Yes my queen." They stated, one picking up his head while the other one dragged his body away. 

The woman then walked over to his crown, picking it up. As soon as she touched the crown, the silver turned into black, the aquamarine jewels even transformed into a dark blue. She placed the crown on her head before saying, "I know you're there." She turned around to look in my direction. "C'mon, don't be shy." She said with a grin. 

That's when I began moving, taking a few steps forward out of the shadows. "My, my, look what we have here!" She exclaimed, sounding slightly surprised. She then grabbed me by the chin, "I forgot how weak I looked."

I snatch my chin out of her grip, looking up at her in disgust, pushing the fear into the back of my head. "How could you kill our father!?  He was all we had left!" I question, glaring straight into her red orbs. "He was our flesh and blood!"

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