Chapter 15

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Atlantis's POV

I lean across the rim of my balcony, letting out a sigh as I look up into the star lit sky. "I'm sure she is alright Atlantis." A female voice spoke behind me, I turn my head to see Ama with a small smile on her lips. 

I let out another sigh, "I know ... I just can't help but worry." Ama walked up to stand next to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I understand." She responded.

"Maybe I should've gone with her." I mumbled, staring out towards the sea, watching the waves crash against the shore. 

"Then we wouldn't have a king." Ama countered softly. "She will be fine, she is not alone on land or in the sea. They are following her." Ama added, looking out towards the sea as well. 

"I'm surprised they knew who she was." I say, standing up straight, causing Ama's hand to slip from my shoulder. 

"They know a lot of things." Ama said with a small smile, looking up towards me. I look down at her, staring into her blue orbs. "That's the reason why she feared them." 

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat comfortably in the passenger seat of Russia's car as we drove along a single lane road. I look out the window seeing nothing but snow and pine trees, flying past in a blur as we drove through the windy road. 

I glanced over towards Russia, seeing him smiling softly as he stared on ahead. "So who is living with you?" I ask, hoping to start up some conversation ... I'm starting to get bored with just staring at the non-changing landscape. 

"Well three of my brothers live in the cabin, after America and Germany decided to spend time with their family, I decided to do so as well." Russia explained, glancing over towards me for a moment. "Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan are the ones living in the cabin." 

I smile, it would be nice to see Belarus again. I wonder how Ukraine and Kazakhstan act compared to Russia and Belarus. Eventually, a small brown cabin came to view, shaking me out of my thoughts. I noticed smoke rising out of the chimney, flowing up into the atmosphere. 

Russia pulled up slowly, stopping in front of the cabin before putting the car into park. "Now I do have to warn you, Ukraine is a bit ... difficult let's just say. He doesn't trust others easily." Russia warned as he pulled his keys out of the slot. 

I shrugged, "Ok, he can't be any worse than Japanese Empire." I get out of the car before grabbing my suitcase from the trunk. I decided to leave Hunter and Echo's family in Aussie's care, sense transporting them from place to place every two weeks would become stressful for them. Especially for the baby snakes, they need consistency.

I follow Russia up to the front door, carrying my suitcase up the wooden stairs, before placing it down waiting for Russia to unlock the door. Eventually he opened the door, holding it open for me as I rolled my suitcase inside, stomping onto the mat, shaking off the snow before I stepped inside myself. 

"Guys I'm back!" Russia called out as he closed the door behind him, slipping off his jacket. I look around seeing a fireplace just below the TV, the flooring was either carpet or wooden, it was a two story cabin with a few doors upstairs and in the hallway. It was almost the complete opposite of Britain's place, but unlike Britain's place it was very cozy and homey.  

"(Y/N)?" I hear a quiet voice speak, catching my attention as I look over to see Belarus with a bright smile as he gleamed joyfully. 

"Hey Belarus! Long time no see!" I say, mimicking his smile as I allowed Russia to slip off my jacket.

Belarus ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my neck as he pulled me to his chest. I laughed lightly, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "Was your ride here ok?" He asked softly, pulling away slightly but not completely. 

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