Chapter 22

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"(Y/N) - chan!" I hear a small whine behind me as I just pulled away from Japan. I turn around just as Tokyo wrapped her arms around me, her ears folded back. "I will miss you." She mumbled, looking up at me with tear filled eyes.

I laugh lightly, wrapping my arms around her "I will miss you too Tokyo." Japan grabbed Tokyo, pulling her off me.

"No I want to stay with my best friend!" Tokyo whined as she struggled against Japan's grip, trying to push his hand off of her arm.

"Oh stop being a child, we can see her when times get better." Japan spoke with a roll of his eyes. Japan's ears perked at Japan's words, Tokyo stopped her struggling to look up at her older brother. "Really?" She questioned, blinking away the tears.

"Yes of course. But you have to behave." Japan spoke sternly, causing Japan to nod her head up in down wildly.

"I will, I will, I will. I promise!" Tokyo spoke rapidly, so fast I could hardly pick up what she said. "I'll see you soon (Y/N) - chan ok!"

I smiled down at her, "Alright Tokyo."

"C'mon (Y/N), we have to go if we want to get back to my place before night fall." A Spanish accented voice spoke behind me, I turned around to see Spain carrying my suitcase with one hand.

I nodded, before turning to them, giving them a small wave as I followed Spain out of the door. I walked towards his car, climbing into the passenger side as he placed the suitcase in the back seat before climbing into the drivers side. "Ready?" Spain asked with a small smile.

"Yep!" I say with a bright smile, looking over at him in excitement.

Ukraine's POV

I slouch down in the couch, scrolling through my phone as Belarus sat next to me, watching a TV show about penguins or something. I let out a sigh, letting my phone drop in my lap as I lean my head back to look back up at the ceiling. "How will we know?"

"Hm?" Belarus hummed, not looking away from the TV screen.

"How will we know when ... she's safe to return to Atlantis?" I ask, looking over at my younger brother as I slip my hands into my sweatshirt's pockets.

"You mean when we can see her again?" Belarus questioned, looking away from the TV and right into my eyes.

I froze for a moment before saying, "Yeah." A slight blush forming along my cheeks as I leaned forward, scratching the back of my neck.

Belarus then shrugged, "I don't know honestly, I assume its when she stays with the last country but I honestly don't know for certain." He then looked back over at the TV screen, "It could be a year before she returns to Atlantis, maybe more."

I looked at him with wide eyes, "A year?" I dragged my hands through my hair. "Why does it have to be so long?" I mumble quietly, dragging my hands down to my face as I massage by temples. This is going to be a long year.

Singapore's POV

I slam my head on my desktop, letting out a groan of frustration. I can't think straight, much less concentrate on my work. Why is this so difficult!? I never had this problem before, usually I'll get my work done, then just sit down and relax, enjoy life a bit. But now, ten hours I have been working on this stupid contract treaty thing, I can't even find the inspiration to finish it.

I turned my head to the side, looking down at the papers next to the computer. I couldn't help but think about her, those ruby read eyes piercing my own, her (h/c) silky hair resting on her shoulders, and her smooth (s/c). She was a beautiful sight, she made me freeze in place. I can't get the image of her out of my head, especially her eyes, they flash across my mind whenever I close them, along with her laugh and smile.

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