Truth & Dare Story

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I turn on the camera, adjusting it on the desk before standing back, saying with a smile, "Hello fellow readers!! Welcome to the Truth and Dare! Before we get down to it, I have two things to show you!!" I pull out two pictures I have on my phone before showing it to the camera. 

"This wonderful artwork is from @FireWolf264, their instagram name is MillySf, I highly recommend you check them out they are amazing

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"This wonderful artwork is from @FireWolf264, their instagram name is MillySf, I highly recommend you check them out they are amazing. I especially love the eyes!! I was majorly fangirling over this one." I say with a bright smile, while flipping it to the next picture

"This beautiful art was done by tumbler user ZAC-n, I say they did a wonderful job, loved the countries and (Y/N) booping Echo's nose it's adorable, plus her rage mode I love everything about this, and I honestly was fangirling over this one

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"This beautiful art was done by tumbler user ZAC-n, I say they did a wonderful job, loved the countries and (Y/N) booping Echo's nose it's adorable, plus her rage mode I love everything about this, and I honestly was fangirling over this one ... to be honest every time I see fan art I fangirl over it." I say with a small giggle, jumping a little with excitement, a bright smile on my face as I took my phone away before slipping it into my pocket. "Thank you once again to both of you for sending me your wonderful art and taking the time out of your day to make them." I say, clasping my hands in front of me as I rocked on my feet. "I greatly appreciate them both!" I state with a bright smile as a small blush formed along my face. 

I then cleared my throat, forcing down my blush before embarrassing myself further, as I begin to run out of things to say, because I couldn't find think of more words to describe how thankful and happy and excited I am for receiving them. "Now moving on!" I state, picking up the camera, keeping it facing towards me. "We have a truth and dare session to get to now don't we?" I say with a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Now first let me say thank you to all for putting your truths and dares for the countries and (Y/N). If I don't get to yours its either because I somehow missed it because I'm a big dumb dumb or it couldn't be done due to circumstances. Which you will find out why in a few moments." 

I then gestured the camera around the room, revealing it was just a bedroom with normal bedroom things. "As you can see we aren't in the stage area where the Q&A would take place! instead we are in a house which I built and locked down." I then point the camera back towards me. "Now you guy's truths and dares will come to the countries out of midair ... don't question it. They have to do both, if they decide to back out of a dare. The person they hate the most gets to flirt or kiss, or both, with their crush in front of them." I state with a smirk, knowing a few people who definitely didn't like that little rule. "They can not leave this house until all the truths and dares are complete." I stated firmly with a small nod. "Also cameras are placed all over the place, except the bathrooms, to tape the countries and (Y/N) as they complete the truths and dares. I told them all this beforehand along with they can't read their dares out loud, unless another country has to participate then they have a choice, but it is up to them if they want to say their truths out loud." I explain with a small shrug. "Now let the games-" I was cut off as one of my camera men entered the room carrying. few index cards with him. 

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