Chapter 4

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"Why are we doing this again?" I ask, watching as Ama placed some light blush on my cheeks. 

"So you can look presentable to the public, make a good impression." Ama answered, before placing the brush down onto the table. She then took the hair brush, running it through my (h/c locks. 

"I know that but ... why a party?" I ask, wrinkling my nose in disgust. I've always hated parties, too many people. Reason why I only went to homecoming and prom once ... never again. 

"It's a way for you to get to know your people and a way for your people to get to know you." Ama answered firmly, brushing out a knot in my hair gently.

I let out a sigh, "You are right it's just ... I hate large gatherings in general. Theme parks are really the only place where I can tolerate crowds." I look down at the silver cuffs around my wrists, which shined in the sunlight streaming through the window. 

"Does it snow here?" I ask as the cool breeze flowed through the window, moving the curtains slightly.  

Ama nodded as she fixed my hair, making it look like a beach wave, "It does." Ama placed the hair brush down, grabbing onto a silver tiara with shining aquamarine jewels, placing it on top of my head. 

"What do the cuffs mean?" I question, remembering my father wearing gold cuffs and not silver. 

"Your status. The king and queen wears gold, rest of the royal family wears silver, and nobility wears bronze." Ama explained, adjusting the tiara on top of my head. I stand up, looking at myself in the mirror, seeing myself in a long aqua dress, the straps and some of the chest area have little petals which almost seemed to glisten in the sunlight like fish scales, and at the bottom of the dress, the silk-like cloth curled, almost making it look like waves at the bottom of my dress. I wore white flats, my lips were soft pink, my red eyes stuck out like a shore thumb among the bright colors and eyeliner. I looked like a princess ... which I guess I am now. 

"You look beautiful your majesty." A new voice spoke. I look over seeing a young male guard wearing silver amor with a trident symbol on the chest plate, a sword strapped to his hip, his hair was as white as his skin except it faded into a dark teal as the ends, there were markings with the same color as the tips of his hair under his baby blue eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" Ama questioned, crossing her arms and glaring at the young guard. 

A small smirk formed along his lips as he placed his hands on his hips, "I have been assigned as the princesses royal guard from Atlantis himself." He spoke, puffing his chest out with pride. 

"It is very nice to meet you ... um?" I trail off, waiting for the guard to say his name. 

"Oh my name is Hector." He then took my hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles. "A pleasure to meet you princess." He spoke with a small wink.

I pull my hand away saying with a small smile, "Please, just call me (Y/N)." He smiled, before nodding in approval, standing up straight, "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." 

Ama rolled her eyes, before pushing him out of the room, "Let's go flirty boy." I follow after them as they walked out of the room, well Hector was more like shoved. 

I follow the bickering two, not really listening to their conversation as I mindlessly rubbed my hands along the cuffs. Eventually we reached the throne room, however we didn't walk towards the exit, but instead we walked down a narrow hallway behind the thrones and through the small opened doors into a wide, circular-like, room. The floor was a dark teal, silver, and white as it was placed in a pattern. Huge windows were along the walls, tables decorated with the colors of the flag, were along the walls, leaving a wide space on the floor. 

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