Chapter 14

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It's been a few days being with what I like to call, Britain's family ... I couldn't come up with anything better. I've been hanging out with each one of them individually. I went out to the Grand Canyon, along with Death Valley, with America. I explored Toronto and the area around it with Canada. I snorkeled the Great Barrier reef with Australia, along with playing with the animals inside the house. I attended a tea party hosted by Britain, along with learning that tea parties are basically gossiping groups. After that, I explored the city of Paris with France along with trying different foods and wines. 

After hanging out with all of them, I hanged out with New Zealand. He is almost opposite of his brothers, he reminds me a bit of France in a way. However, he and Aussie get into a lot of arguments and bickering with one another. Especially whenever Aussie calls New Zealand, Kiwi, it sort of sets him off after that. But I noticed it's hard to get him angry, unlike Ame and Aussie. He also isn't too bold like his brothers and father, in fact he's more blunt than anything. He kind of helps balance out the household. 

Now today, I'm going with the brothers to a club. I don't know whose club it is but I have a sneaky suspicion it's Ame's as he was the one that said, "We don't have to worry about paying for anything, we can just walk in and enjoy." To be honest ... I'm not surprised Ame owns a club. 

I shuffled through my bags, looking for a dress to wear that is suitable for club going. I have never really been clubbing, but I heard it's fun, plus the music it great to dance to, not to mention it's easy to make new friends there. I struggle trying to find something, I know Ama placed a dress in here somewhere, I literally watched her slip it in after I got my shower. 

I finally pulled out a dress where the top half was white with no sleeves but instead there was something to strap around my neck, the bottom half was black, separating the two was a white belt with a black lining. There was also a plastic bag taped to the dress with a pair of diamond earrings along with a note. I opened the plastic bag, pulling it away from the dress, before pulling the note out from inside, seeing it was Ama;

"Dear (Y/N), I predict this might come in handy at some point for you later. I chose this dress so it would match well with your sliver cuffs, the diamond earrings matches as well. You're welcome." I read out loud, I smile slightly before I noticed writing on the back, flipping it over I stared down at the words with a blank look. "P.S, if you are going on a date with one of the countries definitely wear this dress, it will bring out your beautiful curves."

I crumble up the note, before throwing it into the suitcase. "Well ... I don't have anything else to wear, might as well." I say with a small shrug, taking my clothes off me before slipping on the dress and zipping it up along with buttoning the strap around my neck. The dress was definitely made out of the same material as the clothes I wear in Atlantis, very comfortable. However, it was tight but not too tight where I can hardly move. 

I grabbed the belt off the floor, buckling it around my waist before taking out the diamond earrings, placing them on my ears with ease. I walked into my bathroom that was connected to the room, getting out my bag of makeup. The only thing I did was put on eyeliner and mascara, everything else I just left alone. I hate makeup, dresses, and dances but with them it is defiantly going to be worth it. 

I walk back into my room, folding my clothes in the floor before placing them on my bed. I then grabbed my white sandals where the lines crisscrossed over my feet before forming together at my heal. I easily slipped them on before grabbing my small black purse, lifting the strap over my head, placing it on my left shoulder as the purse rested gently on my right hip. 

I walk out of my room, closing the door behind me before walking down the stairs to the first floor where the brothers were waiting. They dressed up nicely, each one was wearing something different, but simple and comfortable. 

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