Chapter 25

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I coughed, each breath was painful, each movement pulled at my skin as my dried blood acted almost like glue. My shoulders were slumped, as my head was pointed towards my lap, my hair covering my eyes. I glanced up weakly as I hear something like tiny paws scurrying across the floor, seeing a small mouse scurrying over towards a hole in the wooden wall, not even sparing a glance in my direction. 

I look up towards the closed door, they have been gone for almost the entire day. I hear my stomach grumble making me let out a groan, "You just had to be hungry now?" I wouldn't mind a little food but knowing Confederate he would probably poison it or something. Throughout our little ... session, which really lasted a whole hour, he hardly used his knife but instead used mostly his fists. I may have a few cracked ribs and bruises but I've been through worse. Ryder nearly killed me with his own methods, this is hardly nothing compared to him. But still ... at the same time Ryder didn't use a knife, a pan yes, but a knife no. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I hear the door open, looking up to see Martial carrying a plate with, what looks like a sandwich, resting on top of it and a glass of water in his other hand. I gave him a suspicious glare, he was unpredictable in my eyes, he tried stopping Confederate from using violence yet he also helped kidnap me. 'What's his game?' I wondered, watching his every move as he placed the plate and glass onto the table before sliding it over in front of me. Knocking over a few chairs as he did so. 

I watched as he went around, standing behind me, "You promise not to run or attack me?" He questioned, his tone calm. 

I shrugged, "I won't exactly survive out there." I spoke, nodding towards the window where snow was falling down, the wind whistling as the house creaked, the snow storm slowly growing worse. 

"That's what I thought too." I hear him whisper as he untied my wrists, I bring them around, rubbing my skin just below my silver cuff, watching as Martial walked around to sit down across from me. I glanced down at the food before looking back up at him, my eyes narrowing slightly. "Go ahead, eat. I made it, much to Confederate's disliking might I add." 

I raised a brow, "How do I know I can trust you?" I examined the sandwich with my eyes, seeing it was a turkey sandwich with a few things added of course. 

Martial let out a sigh, "I don't exactly have anything to make you trust me. But I will say this ... you weren't supposed to be harmed." I picked up the sandwich taking a bite, before chewing it. "Really ... that got you to eat the sandwich?" Martial questioned, giving me an unamused stare. 

"You weren't lying." I explained before taking another bite of the sandwich. 

"How do you know?" Martial questioned, interest sparkling in his eyes as he leaned forward slightly. 

I ate my sandwich as I spoke, "Humans always have something that they do subconsciously when they lie." I began to explain, "It could be not making eye contact with the person they are lying to or it could be the tense of their shoulders." 

"You speak as if you aren't human." Martial spoke, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair. 

I took a sip of water before saying, "Most don't think so." I then finished off my sandwich, before downing the water, licking my lips. "Now, if you aren't after the same outcome Confederate wants, then why did you agree to help kidnap me?" I questioned, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 

"I just wanted to give my little brother a scare." Martial answered, slightly hesitant. "Just something to get his attention." 

"Why?" I questioned further, watching him closely as he spoke. 

He let out a sigh, looking away towards the ground in sadness, "He hasn't visited me in almost four years, not including the time he disappeared. I ..." He trailed off, taking off his hat as he placed it on the table before taking his hand through his hair. 

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