Drama/Action Oneshot part 7

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America & Confederate part 2

*@Unicornangel1708 helped with the idea of this plot! Also play the music when (Y/N) begins fighting, I honestly struggled trying to find the right song XD I was literally debating between three till I just chose this one.*

I sat down in front of the fire, listening to the crackling of the wood being burnt, hot flurries came off the campfire before sizzling out before it could even touch the ground. On top of the fire were two large pieces of rabbit meat on a stick, America turning it every now and then.

I was cleaning my guns, since I had nothing else better to do, making them look as if they were brand new. It's been a few days since we left town, each day we grew closer and closer to Confederate's base. We haven't really talked much, unless we discussed our plan or I should say plans, just in case one goes wrong we have an alternate solution.

"So ... Archangel." I looked up at America, placing my gun down to show I was listening. "Is that your real name?" America asked, looking up at me with curiosity.

"What do you think?" I questioned in a sarcastic tone, a small smile forming along my lips.

America chuckled, "Hey you never know, people have been naming their kids weird things these days." America spoke, raising his hands up in a surrender like fashion.

I let out a small laugh, "Well then, no, it's not my real name."

"Then what is your real name?" America asked, lifting the stick with the rabbit meat on it, examining it. I looked down towards the ground for a moment while America spoke, "You don't have-"

"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)." I interrupted him, looking back up at him with a small smile on my face.

America smiles softly, "A beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

I roll my eyes as I let out a laugh, "What, not weird to you?"

"Well it is a bit unique, but definitely not weird." America replied, we both stared at one another, seeming to just daze out. America opened his mouth to say something, before he jumped away from his spot, nearly dropping the rabbit meat.

I was confused for a moment, before I saw Echo looking up at him with curiosity sparkling in her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh, the look on America's face was priceless.

America grumbled, sitting back down as he took off a piece of rabbit meat before before throwing it at me, hitting me square in the face. America then laughed as I took the piece of rabbit meat off my face, glaring at him in response to which he just started laughing even more.

I couldn't keep my serious face for long as I started to laugh as well, the both of us having a full conversation for the entire night, and the next few days after that.

Now, we were just a few hours away from the canyon, Knight trotting next to Thunder, America's horse. America was telling the story about a failed bank robbery attempt, when I noticed something move out of the corner of my eyes.

I frowned, looking over to see a blur of something running to a bush. Echo let out a hiss, as if to warn me of the incoming danger. "And then they guy tries to shoot at the vault-"

"America." I whispered harshly, causing America to look over at me with confusion written on his face. "We're being watched." I said, nodding my head over towards the bushes I saw the blur disappear into.

America's smile faded into a serious frown, "Not surprised, my brother must've heard we were coming." America became more alert, looking around. We both shared a silence, the atmosphere becoming tense as we were practically waiting for an ambush as we grew closer and closer to the canyon.

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