Chapter 20

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I sat in the car with Japan, rubbing one of my silver cuffs in thought. I told China I was simply sleep walking, knowing if I told him I was following a reindeer I would sound crazy ... maybe I was slowly going crazy from lack of sleep. Ever since that experience, my nightmares have gotten worse, I even woken up with headaches. But, they have grown different, as sometimes instead of finding myself in a palace, I would find myself in a cabin surrounded by pine trees and snow, hearing a call of a reindeer before waking up. The place always creeped me out and filled me with ... fear, the need to leave that place was strong but I could never move in my dream, not matter how hard I try.

"Everything alright megami?" I hear Japan ask, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look over at him with a small smile, "Yeah." I answer, before a thought ran through my mind. "Hey, what does megami mean?" I question, remembering his promise.

A light blush dusted across Japan's cheeks, "U-um ... I honestly hoped you would forget about that." He cleared his throat, "It means goddess." He spoke quickly, I hardly comprehended it.

A small blush formed along my cheeks, "Oh I see."

Japan glanced over my way saying quickly, "If you don't like it I-"

"No!" I screamed out, whirling around to face him, causing him to jump in surprise. "I mean ... no, I like it." I mumble, slouching down in my seat slightly, feeling my cheeks grow hot in embarrassment.

Japan smirked slightly, looking back out to face the road. It didn't take long till we reached an estate, not too large but definitely not small either. It had a beautiful garden surrounding it along with two large cherry trees, their pink leaves giving out the most color when compared to the greenery.

Japan pulled up into the cobblestone driveway, parking right in front of the house. I climbed out of the car, pulling out my suitcase and bag with me, looking at the house with a bright smile on my face. "This place is beautiful." I whisper.

I hear a small chuckle come from Japan before he gestured with his head to follow him, which I did, rolling my suitcase behind me as I looked around in awe. "Oh ... uh ... I forgot to tell you, I have a little sister. She's my twin, she gets ... really hyper with new comers. So uh, be prepared I guess." Japan warned, scratching the back of his neck as he stopped by the door, before opening the door, slipping off his shoes in the foyer before walking onto the carpet.

I followed suit, slipping off my own shoes before stepping inside the house, closing the door behind me as I looked around with a small smile. I was a nice home, a small table with pillows around the table, a large living room with what looks like manga scattered across the coffee table.

"Tokyo! I'm home!" Japan called out as I walked up to his side. Huh, so you can have siblings who aren't countries? I didn't know that, I guess you learn something new everyday.

"Japan!" I hear a woman's voice squeal out, a white blur flashing across my vision before launching up and wrapped its arms around Japan, nearly knocking him over. "What took you so long?" She questioned, looking up at Japan with a pouty look.

"Sorry, our flight was delayed." Japan spoke, patting his sister on top of her head.

"Our?" Tokyo questioned. "Is America here again?"

"No sis, someone new." Japan answered with a shake of his head, pushing his sister away gently before gesturing to me with his hand.

That's when I got a good look at her, she was shorter than me by a foot, her head reaching my chest, she looked exactly like Japan except she has black eyes, cat ears, and a tail. Not fake ones either, actual cat ears and tail. She wore an oversized sweatshirt and black jeans along with a small cat hair clip. She looked at me with a blank look, causing me to shuffle my feet nervously, secretly hoping that she wasn't going to be anything like her mother. I hope to have at least have a decent relationship with one of Japan's family members.

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