Drama/Action Oneshot Part 1

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"Look what you are doing Reich!" I yelled, gesturing with my hand towards the window, glaring right into his white eyes. "You're destroying your people!"

"I'm cleansing them!" Reich countered, his sharp white teeth glistening in the light. "Jews are the ones that caused our countries defeat in World War I! They are the minority, they deserve to be in those camps!"

I couldn't believe what he was saying, those are innocent people ... families which are forced to work till their death, some even being used as target practice. No wonder he didn't want me to go past our garden, he didn't want me to see what was happening behind the curtain. "Those are innocent people! Children! They have done nothing wrong!" I screamed at him, my hands clenching into a fists.

He simply scoffed, clasping his hands behind his back, "What they've done wrong is existing." His eyes showed no remorse, it was like what he was doing to those poor people, he saw as right.

My eyes widened, my mouth dropping as tears welled in my eyes, "Who are you?" He looked at me confused. "You are not the man I fell in love with ... the man I married." I state, shaking my head, taking a few steps back as Reich made a few steps forward.

He then let out a frustrated sigh, "I have to go, I have a meeting with Facist Italy in an hour. I'll be back sometime before dinner." I didn't move as I watched him turn, leaving the room, making his way out of the house. The front door opening, then slamming shut, indicating he had left.

I crumpled to my knees, I brought my hands to my face as I began to cry, letting the tears flow free. The man I married was much kinder, a good leader, he even brought his people out of a depression. But now ... he's a monster ... a killer. I don't know who he is anymore, is he still the same person?

"Momma?" I pulled my hands away from my face, looking up to see Germany stepping into the room. "Momma, what's wrong?" Germany questioned, his eyes full of worry.

I sucked up my tears, sniffling lightly as I said, "Nothing Germany, I'm alright. Just got a little dust in my eye." I stood up, picking up Germany as I went, "How about we have some schnitzel?"

"Yeah!" Germany cheered, throwing his arms up in the air, a bright smile on his face. I laughed lightly as I carried him down the stairs, placing him down onto the floor once I walked into the kitchen. I walked over to the sink, washing my hands before getting out the ingredients. "Mom?" Germany questioned.

"Yes?" I responded, looking over at my son, raising a brow.

"Where's daddy? I thought he was off today?" As soon as my son's words fell onto my ears, a frown formed along my lips.

I turn back and begin focusing on fixing the meal, "He told me he had a meeting with Facist Italy, he'll be back before dinner." I tell him, not looking over to meet Germany's eye.

"Awe ... I was hoping to show him my drawing and play hide and seek with him." Germany whined, slouching in his chair. 

I let out a sigh, "I'm sure he'll love to look at your drawing when he gets home. As for playing hide and seek, me and you can play after lunch ... how does that sound?" I question, looking over at Germany with a small smile.

His face brightens up in an instant, "Ok!" He then sits up in his chair, taking out some action figures I didn't even know he had, playing with them on the table. I then placed the schnitzel into a frying pan, then went over to sit next to Germany, watching him play with his action figures. "Did you tell him mom?"

"Hm?" I hummed, looking up at Germany with a confused expression.

"That you're pregnant?" He asked innocently, looking up at me with a smile. I looked at him puzzled, "How do you even know about that?"

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