Drama/Action Oneshot part 4

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South & North

The smell of smoke filled the air, as bullets flew to both sides on the battlefield, I charged forward, it was the final stretch, we were so close to taking the country as a whole. I wanted to take it out of the clutches of my power hungry brother, who fell to communism, becoming subjected to it. I still couldn't believe my own brother tried to kill me, if it wasn't for America, I would've been dead a long time ago.

He dodged a few flying bullets before reaching his brother, everything was going as planned. North turned around, looking at me with his single eye, the other eye had a star eyepatch over it, covering the wound I gave him during the first few battles.

"This ends now." I growled, before pulling the trigger.

Why did it have to end like this brother? I loved you, we could have led our magnificent country together. But you turned your back, you left me and (Y/N) behind to serve Soviet, along with his cause. Or I guess I should say economic choices. I remember the day, that same day you tried to kill me.


"I'm home! I brought some food!" I call out with a bright smile, placing the bags onto the table as I look around confused. "North? (Y/N)?" I call out, my smile slightly fading. 'Did they leave to go somewhere?' I wonder, stepping out of the dining room, looking around the house, looking for any signs of my brother or best friend. I soon want to tell her my feelings for her, the only problem is North likes her as well, and for the moment ... I don't want to do anything that could ruin our relationship.

Besides he already has enough going on, he was really close to our mother, closer than I was if I'm being honest. Her slipping into a coma was really hard on him, (Y/N) seemed to be the only one to get to him, showing emotions anyway. "North!" I call out. "(Y/N)! Where are you guys?" I grumble to myself.

I hear something click, causing me to freeze in place, turning my head to see North pointing a gun at me, aimed for my head. "North? W-What are you doing?" I ask, turning myself completely around, around, taking a small step back as I raised my hands up slightly in a surrender like fashion.

"Taking what rightfully belongs to me." He growled, seeming ready to pull the trigger before the door opened.

"Hey guys! I'm home! Oh and I brought America ... with me." Her voice grew quiet as she stepped into the room, North not even turning to look her way while I looked at her in fear. What if he hurts her? What if he kills her!? "What's going on?" (Y/N) questioned, looking between the two of us with wide eyes.  

"(Y/N) ... listen to me. You have to get out of here, please." I begged, looking into her blood red eyes which were sparkling in confusion.

"I don't understand?" She questioned quietly, taking a tiny step back, looking at us with confusion still gleaming in her eyes.

"(Y/N) please." I begged, looking at her pleadingly. "Leave."

"North." (Y/N) whispered out, North's expression unchanging as he glanced over towards (Y/N) for a moment before back at me.

"You heard South, leave. Now." North spoke firmly, adjusting the grip on his gun.

"But I don't understand why-"

"Will you shut up and go!" North snapped, glaring over at (Y/N).

I took this as my chance, turning around and running towards the couch to take cover, maybe then I will be able to talk down to my brother. "I don't think so." I hear North growl as I run over towards the couch. 

"North no!" I hear (Y/N) scream out, before a gunshot echoed, a sharp pain shooting through my shoulder as I tumbled down to the ground. "South!" (Y/N) screamed out, tears pouring down her cheeks as she stood frozen not seeming to know what to do.

"It ends now." I hear North say as he walked over towards me, aiming the gun at my head.

He was about to pull the trigger as I screamed, "North wait!" But then America stepped in, tackling North to the ground as his shot fired, piercing the wall just next to my head. America pinned the arm that held the gun before punching North in the face.

However North gained the upper hand, shoving America off him before running out the front door. America chased after him, "Get back here traitor!" I hear him scream in rage.

(Y/N) ran over to me side, her whole body trembling as she put pressure on my wound with her hands. "S-S-South." She shuttered out, her fear stricken eyes staring into my own.

I place my hand onto her cheek, rubbing her tears away, "Shh. I'm going to be ok, I promise. It's ok." I whisper softly as I smile, however anger boiled in my blood. How could my own brother do such a thing?


The shot fired, the same shot determining who wins and who loses. The one that could end this war, and claim the land to be what it once was. However, my shot didn't hit its mark, as an obstacle jumped in my way.

My eyes widened as I dropped my gun, not making a sound as it hit the muddy grass. "No." I whisper out, my own brother looking at the thing that blocked his bullet in horror.

"Please." Her voice spoke, tears flooding down her cheeks as her red eyes looked into my own. "Please stop fighting each other." She was interrupted by a couch, crimson red drops decorating the grass at her feet. "Please." She crashed down onto her knees, while the both of us stood frozen. "Can't we turn things back to normal?" She questioned, before collapsing onto her side.

That's when I regained control of my body, walking over to her side quickly. "(Y/N)?" I questioned, picking up her limp body into my arms. "(Y/N), no, please no." I sobbed, moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Please wake up." I gave her a small shake as tears streamed down my cheeks, but her head tilted limply in the other direction. I placed my hand onto the wound in her side while I wrapped my arm under her head. "No." I closed my eyes, my shoulders trembling. "NO!" I screamed out in agony and pain, as if my heart was being torn to part.

North crashed down onto his knees, not caring whether his soldiers were winning or losing. Tears flooded out both of his eyes, as he stared at her limp body. I lower my head, burying my head into the crook of her neck, "Please don't leave me, please." I begged as I cried, my tears dripping onto her now cold skin.

I then looked up, seeing North who was now standing up, taking steps towards us. "Stay away!" I screamed out, causing him to freeze in place. "This is your fault! This is all your fault! This wouldn't have ever happened if you didn't side with that communist!" I screamed out in rage, my hands trembling. North took a few steps back in response, his eye widening as his own hands began to tremble. "This is all your fault! All of it!" I cried out, holding (Y/N) close to me. "I hate you!" 

"C'mon South!" I hear America shout, dragging me away with (Y/N) in my arms as we fall back, leaving a broken North behind.

A few more battles had passed before finally the brothers decided to draw a line in the middle, claiming their halves on either side. Both brothers agreed neither won nor lost, for both lost something very dear to them. To this day, the line reminded them of that loss, preventing them from ever hurting each other ever again. 

Hello readers! Sorry about any mistakes you see and the shortness of this oneshot, other than that. Whose next? And what would you like to happen? 

Also for the one, which I should've put this in the last one shot which for some reason I thought I did, that recommended the other idea for North and South I would love to use it, if you want you can repost it here since in the future I'll be combining one shots again like I did in the past. But only if you feel up to it, I do not want to force you and I apologize once more for loosing your suggestion. 

Anyway, till next time readers and don't be afraid to put down who you would like to have next along with some scenarios. 

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