Drama/Action Oneshot part 2

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Russian Empire

I can't believe this is happening, I'm torn between the two men I love with all my being. I want both of them to win ... yet I don't want either to lose. For if they lose ... it would mean death.

Russian Empire, standing there with his sword unsheathed by his side glaring at his son, Soviet who had a gun by his side. I stood there frozen in shock, how could all of this happen?

One moment, Soviet was in my arms as a small child, after a complicated birth, he pulled through strong. Russian Empire was just as happy as I, I remember the exact words he described Soviet, "He's a survivor." However, I never noticed the look of fear in Russian Empire's eyes, unaware of the hatred Russian Empire developed towards our son as he grew.

When Soviet was just a boy, he took interest in a different form of economy called Communism. He also told me he doesn't see why the king needs to decide everything and why couldn't they split the profit among the people.

I didn't know much about politics or government myself, my strength being the study of animals not politics. So Soviet went to his father, that's when everything turned downhill.


"Father, why does there have to be a king that decides everything? Why can't we split the profit among others?" Soviet asked, looking up at Russian Empire with an innocent look. Placing down his fork besides his plate.

Russian Empire froze, a frown forming on his lips, "Why are you asking these questions?" He asked, looking over at Soviet who shrunk a little under his gaze.

"Honey, he's simply asking a question." I say, defending Soviet.

"He's asking stupid questions." Russian Empire countered, turning his attention on me.

"Just answer his question for god's sake!" I snap, glaring right into his white eyes. "It's not that big of a deal."

Russian Empire let out a small sigh, knowing I was right, "Because it is the best way." I rolled my eyes, not what I was hoping for, but at least he answered the question ... in the most cryptic way ever. 

I simply shake my head, watching as Soviet's eyes contort into confusion, looking down at his plate. "May I be excused?" Soviet asked, not looking up from his plate.

"No, you need to finish-"

"Yes you may Soviet." I interrupted Russian Empire, giving Soviet a soft smile. He nodded, getting down from his chair before walking out of the dining room. Once Soviet left my sight, I glared at Russian Empire, causing him to raise a brow in my direction, "What is wrong with you?"

"I don't know what you mean my love." Russian Empire spoke, taking a bite out of his meal.

"You acted as if he said something wrong." I say, gesturing to the spot, Soviet was just sitting.

"He questioned something that should never be questioned." Russian Empire responded, simply glancing my way.

"He's just a kid!" I scream at him, glaring daggers into his eyes. "He's simply curious." I say much more calmly this time.

"I understand that. Which is why I acted accordingly, it will let him know it was bad." Russian Empire spoke, taking another bite out of his food. I roll my eyes standing up while making my way out of the dining area, leaving my husband alone.


I gave him the cold shoulder for a few weeks before things went back to normal. Years passed, as Soviet grew into a fine teenager, his beliefs were as strong as ever and Russian Empire's hate grew stronger. Snapping at his son over the littlest of things, even arguing over dinner, leaving one or the other to leave the room while I had to calm the one that remained at the table.

I supported Soviet in what he believed in, knowing what he was doing would lead to great things. I guess ... part of the whole thing was my fault as I watch the two people I love fight to the death.

Russian Empire struck Soviet with a sword, causing Soviet to fall to the ground, covering his wounded eye. I let out a small yelp when I watched my son fall to the ground, thinking Russian Empire would win.

However, Soviet seemed to have other plans as he raised his run before firing. The bullet whizzed through the hair before penetrating Russian Empire right between the eyes. I let out a scream, tears streaming down my cheeks as Russian Empire's body fell to the ground, his sword bouncing out of his hand.

Soviet stood up, struggling to catch his breath as he let his hand covering his eye fall limp, an ugly scratch now over his eye, blood running down his face. I ran over to Russian Empire's limp body, lifting his body into my arms.

"No, no, please." I sobbed, tears falling freely down my cheeks. "Please ... don't go." I cried, holding him close to me, not caring if his blood gets on my clothes.

"Mom ... I'm -" Soviet placed hand on my shoulder which I flinched away from.

"Don't touch me." I growled, just wanting to be left alone.

"Mom, please I-"

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed, not looking up at Soviet. 

"Of course mother, as you wish." Soviet said, backing away just a few steps, tears welling up in his good eye as he watched me break down.

"I'm so sorry my love." I spoke, my voice cracking. "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." I sobbed out, placing my forehead on his own. If I would've just turned the other direction instead of going down the path where we met for the first time, If I would have not chosen to marry Russian Empire, if I would have just explained to Soviet how his ideals were bad, if I would have just been a good wife and mother this wouldn't have happened. This is all my fault!

I looked up and I heard rapid footsteps make their way to the throne room, I sat up, looking as men carrying guns aimed towards me lined the exit. "Death to the throne." One growled, before pulling the trigger.

"No wait!" Soviet screamed in vain. The bullet planted its home inside my chest, causing me to fall to the ground on my back. "No!" Soviet screamed out, crouching down to my side, holding me in his arms.

I smiled up at him sadly, "I'm so sorry my son, this is all my fault."

"No it's not!" Soviet sobbed out, his words getting caught up in his own mouth.

"I'm so proud of you." I say, before letting the darkness overtake me, seeing Russian Empire reaches out his hand for me to take. I smiled brightly as tears came to my eyes, reaching out my own hand to take his, as he led me through the tunnel of light. Where we could be happy together, where we could love one another ... forever.

I know this one is shorter than the last one ... which I apologize. Anyway, who would you all like to see next? What should the scenario be? 

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