Drama/Action Oneshot part 6

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*Suggested by @Unicornangel1708, a really great idea :)*


Music echoed off the wooden walls as a pianist ran his fingers across the keys, the smell of smoke mixed with cheap alcohol. Men talked with one another, a few playing a game of poker as they smoked cigars, others talked with the bartender along with a few ladies who walked around the bar.

A creak was heard as a woman with blood red eyes, (h/c) hair, and (s/c) skin wearing a black cowboy hat, dark brown pants which were almost black, a belt with a gun holster, a white shirt with a black jacket over her shoulders, and black fingerless gloves. A snake was wrapped around her neck, its head perked up as it flicked its tongue in and out, looking around curiously. Everyone grew quiet as they noticed the woman's presence, most looked at her in awe, while others looked at her in shock.

The woman didn't seem to notice the others in the room, instead made her way over to the bar, a couple of men moving out of her way as she walked over. "How can I help you ma'am." The bartender questioned, struggling to keep the fear out of his voice.

"Just a glass of water please." She spoke, her voice sounding like that of an angel, matching her looks perfectly.

"Is that really her?" One man whispered, causing the girl to tilt her head slightly to listen in.

"Red eyes ... a snake wrapped around her neck, it has to be." Another replied, causing a smirk to form along the woman's lips, stroking her fingers gently over the snake's smooth scales.

"They are talking about us Echo, guess we really left our mark huh." The woman whispered to her snake, who seemed to let out a small hiss in reply. 

"They say she was sent by god himself, to wipe out all the evil in the world and to protect the innocent." Another whispered, causing the woman to roll her eyes, but her smirk never fading.

"Oh please, that isn't true." One growled, causing the others to look at him with confusion and bewilderment. "She is just a little girl who acts tough, nothing more." He spoke as he took a sip of his drink.

"Be careful of what you say man, haven't you heard the stories." Another spoke, placing his hand on the aggressors shoulders. The aggressor shrugged off his hand before saying, "Those are only stories, there is no way a single person, much less a woman, could wipe out a whole town full of gangsters on her own."

He then stood up from his chair just as the bartender placed a glass of water in front of the woman, which she nodded in thanks before handing him a few change. "Hey!" The aggressor called out to her, however she didn't turn around but instead took a sip of her water.

The aggressor grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, turning her around before slamming her back against the counter, "I'm talking to you b**ch!" A shadow casted over her eyes as her head was tilted downwards. "You don't look so tough, Archangel." He spoke, speaking the name in a mocking tone. He then placed his finger under her chin, tilting her head upward while saying, "Maybe I'll have a little fun with you."

Her red eyes made contact with his own, her eyes darkened into a glare, causing the man to freeze in fear. She finger before snapping it between her own, he screamed in agony before he was silenced as the woman grabbed his head, slamming it against the bar, knocking him out, along with knocking off his hat.

"Disgusting." She spat, as she kicked the unconscious body away from her, turning back to look at the bartender. Everyone chuckled, "He was a goner the moment he walked up to her." Then everything went back to normal, unknown to the woman, a man walked out of the bar quickly, heading straight towards the sheriff's office.

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