Chapter 19

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I let out a sigh as I wondered around China's house. I said goodbye to Phil and the others before I left, thanking them for the stay and Phil's tours. China picked me up a few days later after the beach day, as I joyful seeing him again.

Now, since I have arrived, I haven't really seen China ... at all. I've seen his guards, and even some of his students that come to be trained by him ... but hardly ever him. I guess he's really busy, I think this is the first where I'm alone with a single country. Usually I'm with a few, even some that I don't know, but I guess China lives alone.

I wore a black and white qipao, which had swirls of patterns shaping into a dragon, right above the knees, a gift from China. Today I thought I would wear it, despite it being a bit chilly outside, I was planning on being inside for most of the day anyway.

My hair was neatly tied up into a bun as well, my seashell necklace rest comfortably around my neck as I walked. I hummed as I walked, before singing softly, "I was a village girl doing alright, then I became a princess overnight. Now I gotta figure out how to do it right, so much to learn and see." What can I say, I got bored. So I decided to binge watch a few shows since I've been here.

I froze as I hear a loud slam, I grow silent, following the source of the sound. I stop in front of an open doorway, with a room nearly covered in soft mats, China stand in the middle punching a punching bag.

He only wore pants, his skin dripping with sweat, the bandages wrapped around his forearm and knuckles seemed to loosen ever so slightly with every punch. I walked into the room, keeping my distance, allowing him space as I watched in awe. Watching as China spun sideways in the air, before landing a kick on the punching bag, sending it flying off the hook before slamming in the wall.

He then raised his head higher, using his forearm to wipe sweat off his forehead. That's when I noticed that he was also, covered in scars himself, but there wasn't as much as Soviet had. There was also a black tattoo of a Chinese dragon reaching from his abdomen to his chest.

I shake my head, tearing my eyes away from his muscular chest to walk over, grabbing a bottle of water and a towel that was on the floor. I walk over to China with a smile, he looked over, now noticing my presence.

"Why hello (Y/N)." He spoke with a soft smile, taking the towel from my hands before wiping his forehead with it. "What brings you here?" He asks as he drapes the white towel around his neck as he took the bottle of water from my hand, nodding his head in thanks as he did so.

I shrugged, "I was just wandering around the place when I stumbled here." He then looked at me up and down, a confused expression on his face.

"Isn't it too cold to be wearing that?" China questioned, gesturing to the qipao I was wearing.

"Oh, uh well I was just going to stay inside anyway. So might as well wear it and try it out." I say with a small shrug, watching China's expression fell into a guilty look.

He screwed on the cap of the water bottle before letting out a sigh, "I must apologize to you, I have neglected you since you have arrived." He spoke, looking away from me for a moment before looking back towards me. "If you would like, I can take you to the Great Wall of China." He stated with a small smile.

I looked up at him with a bright smile shining on my face. "Yes of course I wo-" I was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing, China pulled it out of his back pocket before glaring down at the screen. His gaze softened into sadness as he read the caller ID. I frown, knowing what he would say next. I placed my hand onto his own, forcing a smile on my face while pushing the phone towards him. "Go ahead, answer it." I tell him.

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