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The lights shined onto the stage, each of the camera pointing toward the figure on the stage, revealing me. "Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Q&A. Here we have (Y/N), along with Echo, and the countries that have been around books 1 and 2 in the first row." I gesture to the front row, showing the countries that lived with (Y/N) in the other world, formally known as our world. "In the second row we have our new countries that have been introduced in this book." I then gesture to the second row where the newer countries, like Antartica and Ukraine sat. "Then in out third row, we have Atlantis, Ama, Hector, and Hunter!" I say, gesturing to the third row. 

"This is interesting." Atlantis spoke with a small smile while giving a small wave to the camera. 

"Now before we began I want to thank each and every one of you for submitting your questions. If I don't reach some of them it might be because of the weird Wattpad glitch, it has already been asked, there becomes too much for me to handle, or I'm a big dumb dumb and missed it." I say while looking into the camera with a nervous smile as I scratched the back of my head. "Now moving on to our first question!" I say as I slip out a stack of index cards from my back pocket. "Our first one is from @xxvintagecitizenxx to Russian Empire, "Are you on good terms with your son (Despite the rough patches you shared)?"" I throw the index card behind me as I looked over at Russia Empire who was sitting between Britain and Reichtangle. 

Russia Empire smiled softly, "After the ... incident, Soviet and I talked it out. In the end, I was proud of him for taking a stand in what he believe in, even if it meant killing me. I say we are on good terms, if we weren't I would have never seen my grandkids." He spoke with a small shrug before unscrewing the cap of his water, taking a small sip. 

Soviet shrugged, "He speaks the truth, I was surprised myself with what he said, since he ... didn't approve of my view of things." 

I nod, looking down at the next index card in my hands, "Alright, next question is from @AndriodKnight to Britain, "Why are you so obsessed with tea? If tea was never invented what could you possibly been obsessed with?"" 

Britain took a small sip of tea from his tea cup before answering, "To answer your first question, I'm obsessed with it because it is delicious. To answer your second question ... I would have probably ended up like France by drinking a lot of coffee." 

"I don't drink that much." France retorted from next to Britain as he crossed his arms before leaning back in his chair. 

"You literally had five cups of coffee ... and it hasn't even been the afternoon yet!" Canada pointed out, holding up five fingers to represent how much coffee France drank. 

France rolled his eyes, "Oh please, it's not that much." He then picked up his mug before taking a small sip. 

"Is that coffee in your hand right now?" Britain questioned, raising a brow. 

"Anyway! Moving on to the next question." I say quickly before the bickering could start, throwing the index card behind me before looking down at the next one. "This one is from @Jellyizhere to Atlantis, "Would you kill anyone who harmed (Y/N)?"" I look over at Atlantis while throwing the index card behind me.  

Atlantis crossed his arms, "Kill? Oh now I wouldn't kill them." He spoke with a shake of his head. Then a smirk formed along his lips, "I would torture them to the point where they beg for death, then I will kill them, but I will make sure they die a slow and painful death. Before throwing them into the ocean for the creatures to feast on their flesh." 

Chills run up the countries spine, all except for Reichtangle, Antartica, and (Y/N). Ama and Hector simply chuckled nervously while Hunter looked at Atlantis in alarm. "This is my father?" He questioned. "Now I know where I get it from." He added, a small chill running through his spine. 

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