Truth and Dare part 2

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*Play the song when you get to Phil's POV*


I smile softly, before nodding to her. "Of course, I'll let you know." I say, just as those words slipped my lips, and index car popped back up into my lap. I picked it up seeing it was from @TheOfficialG0d, I read the truth out loud catching (Y/N)'s attention, "What would you do if your crush like you back?" 

I then for a moment, before turning to face the camera in the room, "I guess I would be joyful, and would tell her how much I care for them." I answer with a small shrug. I then look down at the dare, a small groan escaping me, now I see why the index card appeared immediately after I put on the dress and make up. 

"(Y/N), there is one more thing I need of you." I say, looking over at her as I placed the index card on the table. She hummed in response, waiting for me to continue. "I need to do a small dance." I say, taking her hand before twirling her into my arms, a small smirk playing on my lips. 

"I-I don't k-know how to dance." (Y/N) stuttered has I placed her hand on my shoulder, before placing my hand on her hip. "Just ask South ... he tried."

"Well this isn't like anything South has tried to teach you, I assure you this is much different." I say, taking her free hand and clasping it in my own before swaying, humming out a tune. I twirled and swayed with the tune, giving (Y/N) a small twirl every now and then. 

Reichtangle's POV

I pick up the index card from my lap, letting out a small sigh seeing it was from @Sayio_Chan, the first thing was a dare, 'Give (Y/N) a piggyback ride and mock reich.' 

I smirk, I can definitely do that, first I have to find (Y/N) then go on a search for my son. As if on cue, I hear laughter, I look into a room to see Russian Empire dancing with (Y/N). I struggled not to laugh myself once I see him wearing a ball gown dress including make up.

RE noticed me instantly, freezing in place, a dark blush formed along his cheeks in embarrassment. I walk over, snatching (Y/N)'s arm gently while saying, "I need to borrow her for a moment my lady." I drag (Y/N) out of the room, ignoring the shouts coming from RE. 

"What is it Reichtangle? You need help with something?" (Y/N) asked, looking up at me confused. 

"Why yes, I need to give you a piggyback ride." I say, letting go of her arm, bending down slightly with my back facing her. 

(Y/N) simply shrugged, "Ok." She jumped onto my back, I wrap my arms around her legs as she wrapped her own arms around my neck. I adjusted her on my back as I stood up straight, she was rather quiet light, I think even my son weighs more than her. "Now what?" She questions. 

"Now we go find my son." I answer, continuing down the hall, making my way down the stairs to find sitting in a chair besides the couch, reading a book. I cleared my voice and spoke, "Hello I'm Reich and I think everyone should fear me. But I'm too short to intimidate anyone." 

"What are you doing?" Reich growled, peering over his book to glare at me. 

"None of your business peasant, I'm too sophisticated to talk to low lives like you." I replied, glaring down at Reich. "Not to mention I am too busy creating useless doodles and kissing myself in the mirror." 

Reich grip on his book tightened, wrinkling the pages, "I do not do that." He growled through gritted teeth. "I also locked myself in my room and cried for hours when (Y/N) was gone."

"I did not!" Reich shouted, his cheeks turning red as he slammed his book closed, standing up and walking away, grumbling under his breath. 

"It's always fun teasing my son." I say, putting (Y/N) down just before an index card appeared in her hands. 

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