Chapter 7

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Hello readers! Quick thing I want to show you before you read this chapter.

This artwork was done by @AnticAria, her instagram is shanethespanishpotato you should all go check her out

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This artwork was done by @AnticAria, her instagram is shanethespanishpotato you should all go check her out. I absolutely love it! She did amazing job and drew the scene exactly how I imagined it! Well that's all I wanted to say for now, enjoy the chapter!

I wait along the beach, my father, Ama, Hector, and I were expecting the countries to arrive soon. Hector seemed impatient, as he begin to tap his foot. "What's up with you?" Ama questioned, looking over at Hector strangely.

"I just want to go home." Hector answered, sounding slightly frustrated. "I don't want to be in this place any longer than I have to."

"I don't really see the problem? It's not that bad here." Ama commented, looking over at the city with a smile.

Hector scoffed, "If you think giant concrete buildings and polluted air is not that bad, then sure I guess it's for you." He then looked out towards the ocean saying, "I much rather be on our island."

I shrugged, "Don't blame you. I don't think I have ever been to any place more beautiful than the island."

"(Y/N), they're here." My father said from behind me. I turn around seeing the countries carrying backpacks walking up to us, most looked excited.

I walked up to them with a bright smile, Hunter padded up to me, licking my hand. I patted his head before asking the countries, "How was the drive?"

"It wasn't bad, hardly any traffic." Britain responded with a small smile.

"Alright, let's get moving. I would like to get back home before noon." I hear Hector say, walking closer to the water.

"So ... how are we getting to Atlantis?" America questioned, looking around confused.

"By submarine." I hear my father answer, as soon as he spoke a large submarine broke the surface of the water. It wasn't big and bulky, instead it was sleek and was built for speed instead of battle. It had the color of the ocean, and two triangles sticking out of the side of it almost looking like dorsal fins. A door on the side of the slim sub, opened, silver metallic steps landing onto the beach.

"Cool." I hear South say while Ama climbed into the sub with my father following her. Hector climbed into the sub as well as I gestured for the countries to go ahead. They all walked on without complaint, I couldn't help but giggle lightly at their amazed expressions. However, when I turn around to see Japan, looking at the water in fear.

I walk over to Japan asking, "What's wrong Japan?"

"U-um I uh." He immediately jumped back as the water came up near his feet. He acted like a cat, as he looked down at the turquoise water in fear.

I smile softly, he's scared of the water ... which makes a little bit of since. I hold out my hand, gesturing with my head towards the submarine, "C'mon, it's nice and dry inside. Think of it like a plane."

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