Chapter 2

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I walked out of my room, dressed in silk black shorts and a long sleeved beige shirt. The clothing was surprisingly soft and very comfortable. Despite it looking like silk, the clothing almost felt like a blanket. I could honestly get used to this.

I look around the long white wall with checkered blue floors, not knowing where to go. "This way my lady." I turn around seeing a woman dressed in silk white robes with a sort of blue pattern on the sides. She had pure white skin, with a teal stripe around both of her wrists looking like a bracelet, along with a single teal stripe around her neck, her hair and lips was also teal, while her eyes were moon grey pools. She gestured for me to follow as she began to walk down the hallway, "Atlantis told me to come and fetch you. He forgot that you didn't know your way around the castle."

I giggle lightly, slightly not used to hearing my father's new name, "Of course he did." It was silent as we walked down the hall side by side. "So, what's your name?" I ask, looking over at the woman with interest.

"Ama." She answered with a soft smile, glancing over at me for a moment.

"Pleasure to meet you Ama." I respond, looking away from her to look up at the ceiling in awe, noticing it was like an archway.

"What might be your name my lady?" Ama asked, looking over at me with similar interest.

"(Y/N)." I answered, looking back over at her.

"Pleasant to meet you (Y/N)." She said with a curt nod.

Then it was quiet once more, the only sound was her shoes and my feet hitting the hard floor, echoing off the white walls. "What do you do in the castle?" I asked her, simply to hope to start a conversation.

"I am your lady in waiting, my lady, I assist you in any needs you require." She said with a warm, genuine smile. A rare smile I see in other women I speak to, all but Abigail. My own smile fading away as I look back down at the hard tile floor, poor Abigail ... how I wished she would've never been brought into this. "Is that not to your liking, my lady?" Ama asked, seeming to have an alarm look on her face.

"No! No!" I say quickly. "You just remind me of a friend, is all." I say with a soft smile, seeing Abigail in Ama.

"Oh." Ama responded, seeming surprised by my answer. Then silence fell over us once more, a warm smile on Ama's features while I simply kept looking around in awe. Eventually we reached a staircase that curved downward, it was made out of white marble, and was cool to the touch unlike the balcony. I walked down them with Ama leading the way, before leading the way down the hallway. Eventually we came to a large room, teal drapes hung from the walls, some having a white trident on them. Across from here we were walking were two large thrones pointing to the right.

As we stepped out from the hallway, I turned to see my father talking to someone with a soft smile on his face. The person he was talking to had a blue face with the continent of Antarctica on the middle of his face, he wore a thick blue jacket with fluff along the rim, a black sweater underneath the jacket, clear goggles that were placed on his forehead, black windbreaker pants seeming to have a few layers under them, black gloves, a blue and white stripes scarf around his neck, and familiar black boots.

'He must've been the one that found me.' I think as I looked at him up and down. My father looked over, hearing our footsteps coming his way. "There you are, I was about to come looking for you myself." My father spoke with a warm smile, waving his hand for Ama to leave.

She cast me one last smile before leaving the throne room, bowing to me and my father before leaving. "Come (Y/N), I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." I walk over to his side, gazing up at Antarctica.

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