Chapter 12

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Soviet's POV

I let out a small yawn, walking down the stairs to the second floor before walking down the long hallway towards the other stairs. I noticed (Y/N)'s door was wide open, curious I looked inside the room. My curiosity turning into rage almost instantly as the sight of my father gently running his fingers through (Y/N)'s hair as her head laid on his chest. 

His golden orbs looked up from her, raising his brow as I stood in the doorway, glaring down at him. "What's wrong Soviet?" He asked with a smirk on his lips, his voice taunting. 

I took a step forward until RE placed a finger over his lips, "Ah, ah, ah. You wouldn't want to wake her now do you?" He spoke softly, gesturing to (Y/N) with his head. 

I scoffed, clenching my fists as he pulled her closer, causing her to let out a groan as she snuggled into his side. "What the h-" I immediately slammed my hand over Reich's mouth, silencing him, watching as (Y/N)'s nose wrinkled in distaste, snuggling closer to RE's side. 

"Do you ever know when to shut up?" I growl silently, glaring down at Reich. 

Reich glared right back up at me, before opening his opening his mouth slightly, clamping down onto my hand, his teeth digging into my skin. I immediately shoved him off me, "You're dead!" I growled, seeing Reich running down the hall. I chased after him, he will certainly pay for biting me. 

(Y/N)'s POV

"Your dead!" I hear someone shout, causing me to let out a groan as I blinked open my eyes. I noticed I was laying my head on something warm and very comfy. 

"Did they wake you my queen?" I look up seeing Russian Empire looking down at me with a soft gaze, a small, seemingly triumphant, smile on his lips. 

A light pink dusted my cheeks, but I was honestly too tired to care as this point. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, letting out a small yawn. I jump as I hear something sounding similar to glass breaking, looking over towards my open door. 

RE let out a small sigh, getting up from the bed, "Better make sure they won't set the house on fire." He made his way out of the room, Hunter following after him with his tail wagging back and forth. 

I slip out of bed, going over to close my door so I could get ready. I slipped on a long sleeved beige shirt before grabbing a black heavy jacket with some white fluff at the end of the hood along with blue jeans. I looked out the window to see a blanket of snow covering the ground, a smile spreading across my face. I shuffled through the top of the closet, finding a pair of black gloves. I slip them inside my pocket, before going over to check on Echo, making sure she's good. 

I walk over towards a heat lamp Aussie gave me, turning it on. "There you go, you can sun bathe whenever you want." I say as I went back over to pet Echo's head, before walking out of the room, heading towards the bathroom. 

I find a toothbrush in a package and a hairbrush that was untouched along with a small apology note. I smile softly before brushing my teeth and hair, I kept my hair down, due to the fact it was freezing cold today. 

I walked out of the bathroom, making my way down the hall. I noticed someone standing in the hall, his eyes lifted up to meet mine, his red eyes gleaming in the light, however his was a cherry red, not a blood red like mine were. He had the face of the Confederate flag, his sharp teeth gleaming in the light as a grin formed along his face.

He made me feel uneasy, which is a feeling I don't feel often. Even when I met Reich I didn't have chills going up my spine. The only time I felt this ... was when Ryder returned, that grin almost looked just like his. 

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