Chapter 5

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Reichtangle and I walked side by side throughout the halls of the castle, the moon's light shined through the window, turning the large hall silver. "I would be lying if I said you didn't spook me a bit back there." I say, looking over at Reichtangle with a small smile. 

"Deepest apologies." Reichtangle said with a small nod. 

It was quiet for a moment, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of our shoes clicking along the tile floor. "How is everyone?" I ask him, intertwining my hands, laying them in front of me, silently wishing this dress had pockets. 

"Worried, scared, frustrated, and some are closed off." Reichtangle answered with a sigh. I frown widely, looking down towards the floor. "However, strange alliances have formed because of your disappearance." 

I look up at Reichtangle confused, "What do you mean?" 

"America and Russia created an alliance, the alliance will stay in place until you are found." Reichtangle explained, looking down at me with a calm glance. "I even heard North and South formed an alliance as well." 

My jaw dropped, they hate each other and when I mean hate I mean, if they end up killing one another they won't feel remorse for it ... ok maybe very little remorse but not much. "Didn't know that could happen." I mumble with a small smile. I then look up at Reichtangle with hope, "Maybe you can tell them I'm alright!" 

Reichtangle shakes his head, "Sorry darling, but I can't do that." 

My smile drops, looking up at him with confused eyes, "Why?" Was all I could ask. 

"If I tell them you are alright they would want to know where you are. I don't want to expose your father too soon, it could be dangerous for him and his people." Reichtangle explained, giving me a sympathetic look. 

I let out a sad sigh, "You're right, I just ... don't want them to end up hurting themselves." I then cross my arms, glaring down at the floor. "I should've jumped through the machine right after Russia instead of talking to my mother." I spat out the word mother like as if it was a fly in my mouth. 

"It needed to be done." Reichtangle said, stopping me by placing a hand on my shoulder. "Besides I was the one that set the machine up to where you would end up with your father. Although I didn't anticipate you would end up in Greenland." Reichtangle said, looking up in thought while crossing his arms. 

I look at him in shock, "You ... messed with the machine?"

Reichtangle nodded, "I did, I didn't see the point in going on a mass search for him when he was right here." 

I let out a sigh, looking up at him with a soft smile, "I guess I have to thank you again." 

Reichtangle shook his head, "It was no problem, you and your father deserved to be reunited. Although ... the look on my son's face when you didn't go through the portal made it ... more worth while." A small smirk formed on Reichtangle's face. 

"Did he cry or something?" I question, quite interested myself on what his reaction was. He is Reich after all, at a time I thought he was like me ... no feeling. Proved that little theory wrong the first two days. 

"He did ... in his room though." Reichtangle answered with a small chuckle. 

It was silent for a bit, before a wide smirk formed along my face, "You got a video?" 

"You bet I do." Reichtangle answered pulling out his phone before opening it. 

Russia's POV

I sat in front of the fire, right outside the tent as the first mornings light begin to peak over the horizon. I used a stick to poke at the wood fueling the flames, the cool breeze nipping at my skin but I didn't mind ... I was used to it, it doesn't really bother me anymore. 

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