Chapter 6

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I shuffled through the closet in panic, for the first time in awhile ... I have no clue on what to wear. I want to wear something casual but ... not too casual. You know something that speaks, hey I'm fine, but something that also speaks ... I actually just lost my train of thought. 

I let out a groan before falling onto my bed. "Is something the matter princess?" Hector asks, walking into the room.

Hector and I got close quickly ... or as close as you can get in one day. He flirts with me every chance he gets, he's probably one of the most flirty guys I know. But he is kind and very protective. He does his job well. 

"Just having trouble choosing my outfit is all." I say, sitting up on my bed as I glare at the clothes on the floor. 

"You mean for the meeting?" Hector questioned, taking a seat beside me. 

"Yes, it's going to be the first time I see the countries again." I say, rubbing my silver cuffs as my mind slipped into deep thought. 

Ama then walked into the room, carrying a tray with three glasses filled with what looks like lemonade, a slice of lemon on the rim of the glass. She took one of the glasses off the tray and handed it to me. "Thank you." I say, before taking a sip of lemonade from the glass. 

Ama then, shoved the tray into Hector's hands before grabbing a (f/c) shirt with white Atlantean patterns decorating the shirt, off the floor. "You can wear this one with..." Ama trailed off, looking around the floor. Eventually she picks up white shorts, "These shorts." 

"No, no, no. That won't due, she needs something different." Hector said, placing the tray gently onto the bed as he stood up onto his feet. He picked up a teal shirt with Atlantean writing along the top in silver. "This shirt and those shorts would do. She has to represent Atlantis in some way." 

"Don't be ridiculous, she represents Atlantis in many ways, she doesn't need to wear the shirt!" Ama argued, glaring at Hector. 

Hector rolled his eyes, "In what way?" He countered, tossing the shirt onto the bed as he cross his arms. 

"She is our princess and she wears things of our culture anyway!" Ama stated firmly, gesturing to my necklace and cuffs. 

I let out sigh, standing up before Hector could say anything in return, getting in between the two of them. "Alright guys, that's enough." I say, looking at the both of them sternly. "I'll just wear ... um ... this." I say, snatching up a white shirt with (f/c) patterns along with some Atlantean writing. 

Ama and Hector both looked at one another, before nodding in approval. "That could work." 

Poland's POV 

I let out a groan, running my hands through my hair. "Why can't I focus!?" I question in frustration before shoving the papers off my desk. I let out a sad sigh, before slamming my head on the desk, feeling exhausted. 

"You ok Poland?" I raise my head up to see Germany staring down at me with worry. 

"Yeah just ... frustrated." I spoke with a sigh, sitting up, leaning back against my chair. "What is it?" 

"Um ... the meeting starts soon." Germany said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Meeting?" I question, raising a brow. "I thought the last one was yesterday?" 

"I thought so too, but I just got a call from UN saying there is a meeting today in about a few hours." Germany informed, holding up his phone, giving it a small shake. "He told me to come pick you up." 

"What is the meeting about?" I questioned as I stood up, walking around the desk, stepping over the scattered papers across the floor, making my way over to Germany. 

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