Chapter 16

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It's been a few days since I moved into Russia's, or really Belarus's, house for the next two weeks. I haven't really left far from the cabin due to the snow, which shut down roads and a few businesses. Even some of the local grocery stores shut down because of the snow. 

In the mean time however, we all played games with one another whether that be some simple board games or out having snowball fights. Not to mention, I learned a bit about Ukraine and Kazakhstan with the time I have spent here. 

Kazakhstan was nothing like his other two brothers. Instead he was very observant of what was going on around him, not to mention he was the one to break up any fights in the house. Specifically the ones between Ukraine and Russia.

Now Ukraine, he is very similar to Russia but with a few distinct differences. Despite our little exchange Ukraine was kind towards me, us two exchanging a small conversation with one another. However, his attitude would change whenever Russia would enter the room. He would become cold and very blunt, he would even sometimes leave in mid-conversation or mid-game. 

Russia however seemed used to Ukraine's attitude towards him. But I could tell he was still hurt by Ukraine's actions, that's how most of the fights start. Russia would try to question Ukraine, Ukraine would snap back saying something offensive and then they go back and forth. I would eventually leave the room, annoyed by how much noise they are causing. I've tried having them get along, mostly Ukraine, but so far it led to hateful comments in my direction. I didn't take any of those insults seriously, but nonetheless, I can't help but to try to find a way for Ukraine to accept his brother. I just got to find the reason for his hate towards Russia. 

I let out a sigh as I slip on a soft sweater, "I was hoping to at least improve their relationship. But I hardly made a dent." I slip on my socks and shoes, glaring down at my fingers as I quickly tied the laces. My glare then softened as I let out a defeated sigh, "I don't have enough time anyway. It's not like how it was before, things have changed since then." 

I stood up, dusting off my jeans before walking out my door, closing it behind me before making my way down the stairs. The four brothers were in the living room waiting, Belarus was still slipping on his jacket, Ukraine was sitting on the couch tying his shoes, Kazakhstan was adjusting his scarf before slipping on his jacket, and Russia was fiddling with something in his hands which I couldn't see clearly.

I walked up to them, reaching past them to grab a hold of my jacket that was hanging on the hook. "I was about to go upstairs to wake you." Russia spoke with a warm smile as he took a few steps towards me. 

I chuckled lightly, "I see someone is impatient today." I smiled up at him, "Speaking of which, what are we doing today?" 

"We are going ice skating." Kazakhstan replied, holding out a pair of white ice skates with a silver blade. They looked almost brand new, looking as if they were hardly used. "Russia and I found these at the store after we tested out the ice yesterday." He explained, as I took the ice skates from his hands. 

I nod to him while saying, "Thanks you two." I then feel something being placed on my head, I took my hand, touching something soft on my head. I look up to see an ushanka that looked similar to Russia's on top of my head, the only difference was that it was a lighter brown. I turned my head to look at Russia who had a light blush on his face along with a soft smile. 

"To keep your head and ears warm." He explained, seeming to answer my thoughts. 

"Here (Y/N)." I hear Belarus says, causing me to shift my attention towards him. I look to see him holding out gloves that looked similar to his own flag, the pattern being around the end of the glove while the rest of the glove was split in half between green and red. "To keep your hands warm. You can keep them if you like!" He stated cheerfully, a bright smile forming along his face. I reached out, taking the gloves from his hands before slipping them on my own hands. 

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