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Hello fellow readers! A year ago from this day, I published the first chapter, or really prologue, of Unexpected. The book as come so far and I have gotten better with my writing since the beginning. I wanted to think all of you for reading this series and, for those of you that started reading this when I first started, for sticking around so long. Also thank you all for your support and comments (I'm going to be honest I love reading them)

So as a gift to all of you on this fine day/night, I will be sharing some ... things to you. I hope you enjoy :)

Also quick shout out to @Unicornangel1708, she gave me a certain idea, she knows what I mean, gonna have to read to find out what ;)

Olympus 1935 Last week of Revolution

The ground was littered with bodies from both sides, sightless eyes stared at the scene playing out in front of them. The sky which was once a beautiful blue, was now an ash grey as fires burned along the battlefield. Their orange tongues licking the life around them, turning it to black. 

Blood dripped down from my wounds, Olympian soldiers were now pushing through as their top three generals led them. One carrying a scythe, the other carrying a sword sparking with electricity almost making it look like a lightning bolt, and the third carrying a trident. 

"Stay strong men!" I scream out, holding up the flag I have created. My skin slowly cracking, the cracks that were already chipped away reveal teal skin underneath. We pushed even harder but with no avail, as they pushed back even harder, pushing us towards a cliff, the ocean crashing against the rocks below. 

A woman wearing smoky black armor, a symbol of a scythe and trident creating an X with a lightning bolt straight down the middle on her face, her sword by her side dripping with blood, her blood red skin almost hiding the blood splattered on it, a wide smirk on her lips showing her pearly white teeth. 

I glare at her, raising my own sword, ready to fight her ... to fight the queen. "Your little rebellion won't prevail." She growled, slicing down one of my men when he charged her with such ease, she didn't even glance his way. 

I shrug, "Britain said the same thing to America ... look how that turned out." I took another step back, my foot slipping as I got closer to the edge. I glanced down towards the ocean before looking back up at the country. 

She chuckled, "I will always prevail. I am a GOD!" Lightning struck behind her, thunder booming loudly. "I am unstoppable, many have tried to kill be over the years and all have failed." She spoke with an evil grin, twirling her sword in her hand. 

"You were once a wonderful queen, fair and just. Now you're just a bloodthirsty tyrant." I growl, glaring at her, having my sword at the ready. 

She returned my glare, charging forward, striking my sword harshly, knocking me off balance as I begin to fall backwards until she caught me by grabbing onto my armor. She smirked, "I'll let the sea decide your fate." 

She then let go, causing me to tumble down into the ocean, knocking me unconscious. She smiled down, once she didn't see me break the surface, my men surrendering in defeat. "Lock them up, their execution will be tomorrow in the town square." She ordered, the soldiers placing cuffs on them immediately. "For tonight, we celebrate our victory!" She claimed, raising her sword as the soldiers cheered. 

I blinked open my eyes, seeing the dark blue ocean surrounding me. I released the rest of the air in my lungs as I gasped in shock, before realizing I could breath. I look around confused, holding onto my throat, confusion sparkling in my eyes. 

I noticed a flashing light blue light out of the corner of my eye, I turn around only to see nothing. My eyes widened as the light flashed again, revealing a narrow snout and bright blue eyes which almost seemed to glow with the light that shined from patterns on its skin. The creature was huge, dark blue scales glistened in the flashing light. 

"You want Olympus gone yes?" A voice inside my head questioned as the beast stared at me with interest. I nod, unsure if I could speak in the water. "We can help you." 

I looked at the beast confused, "Why help me?" I spoke out loud before realizing. 

"We have always protect, but Olympus abandon us." The voice spoke, the beast baring its teeth in anger. "I sense you, you are first, you are Atlantis. We help you." 

I then notice more flashing lights seeming to surround me, I look around in awe. "We find more help, at north and south. Come, gather and take back home. Atlantis." 

Atlantis present time 

I jumped across from building to building, following a cloaked figure. I stick to the shadows as I moved, staying completely out of sight. I decided that if I can't join my sister for the time being, might as well gather intel from the people who want to kill her. 

I stopped along a rooftop looking down to see a small group of cloaked people. "Were you able to find out where she is?" One asked, having a somewhat deep voice. 

"No ... no one in the castle has any records nor knowledge of where she is or could be." The one I was following answered. "I don't even think Atlantis knows at this point." 

"This is frustrating, and delays our plan." A woman's voice spoke, sounding agitated. 

"That may be true, but she has to come home eventually. We'll be waiting for her then." The deeper voice spoke, I could imagine a smirk on his lips. 

I glare down at them, I won't ever let them touch my sister, not as long as I'm alive.  


I let out a small growl as I watched my eldest brother step out of his private plane, adjusting his sunglasses. "This complicates things." 

"You don't say." Martial spoke coldly, rolling his eyes. "Now she's under even heavier protection." 

"Well then we will just have to wait." I say with a frown. 

"Wait till when? We can't exactly keep track of her." He spoke out, I look at him with a smirk as a response. "What did you do?"

"Oh nothing, just bumped into her is all." I say with a sly grin, my red eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Clever." Martial spoke with a grin. 

I nod to him in thanks before saying, "Now all we have to do is wait for her to be with a weak country that is living alone. Then we make our move." 

"And if they get in our way?" Martial question. 

I smirked, crossing my arms, "They will sadly slip into a small coma." 

"Oh how tragic." Martial spoke, mirroring my smirk. 

Our plan is simply delayed, but she can't escape the inevitable. 

Now I know it's not a chapter you were hoping for, but I hope you like it. The next chapter will definitely be coming out soon :D ... hopefully if nothing turns up. 

Happy anniversary everyone!! I love you all and stay safe!! :D <3

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