Chapter 26

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America's POV

I stomped across the snowy ground, heading towards the jet my family and I came in, anger boiling in my blood. "America!" I hear Phil call out, but I didn't slow down as I walked up to the jet. "America wait!" Phil called out once more, catching up to my side. 

"You don't really think they stole her do you?" Phil questioned, struggling to keep up as I walked quickly to the jet, waving to the pilot to let the stairs down. 

"Oh I believe it alright, my brother would do anything to get back at me for winning the war." I spoke in a growl, watching as the the door opened, watching the stairs lower. "He knows he can't kill me so he targets someone I deeply care for that isn't a country." I added, before walking up the stairs. 

Phil stayed at the bottom for a moment, before walking up the stairs himself, stepping onto the jet. "Do you know where they are?" He asked as I walked over towards the pilot. 

I turn to look at him for a moment, whispering to the pilot the location before walking back over to Phil, "There is only one possible place he could go. It's long abandoned but at one time he used to call it home." The stairs of the plane lifted as the door closed as well. "We'll land in the closest city to the house." 

Phil looked at me nervously as he sat down, buckling his seat belt, "Then what? We can wait for the others and ta-"

"No!" I snapped, causing Phil to jump in surprise. "Knowing my brother he will torture (Y/N) till she is physically exhausted. Right now, we have an advantage, and from the sound of it, they have no clue Japanese Empire eavesdropped on their little conversation." I then glared out the window as I buckled my seat belt, "Now is our chance." 

(Y/N)'s POV

I coughed up blood, every breath was a struggle, my body beginning to tremble as I could hardly hold my head up. Blood pooled over my eye, causing me to close it in order to prevent blood from dripping into it. 

I feel someone grab my chin roughly, forcing me to look up at Confederate, which I glared right into his eyes. "I'm surprised, normally people would be begging for mercy but you ... you haven't spoken a single word besides your screaming." Confederate spoke with an evil grin. 

"Screw ... off." I growled in between breaths, glaring at him in defiance, before spitting on his face. Confederate pulled away, wiping off the spit from his cheek before taking a deep breath in and out. 

"Still have that strength." He then chuckled as he backed away, "Soon that will change in a matter of hours." He growled, punching me across the face, the impact made the chair fall down, causing me to land onto my side with a loud thud. I let out a hiss in pain as I landed most of my weight on my shoulder which was severely bruised. 

Confederate then turned around, leaving me on the ground as he walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. I hear his footsteps fade away, that's when I let myself cry silently as the pain began to grow worse as time ticked by. 

It was only the third day and I already wished I really was with Ryder instead of Confederate. At least with Ryder ... I had a way to escape. 

Phil's POV

I rode on the back of a grey stallion while America rode on top of a white stallion, racing through the forest as the trees flew by us in a blur. The wind nipped at my nose and cheeks, I could barely keep my eyes open as they begun to water. "Why are we riding on horses again!? Wouldn't a car be faster!?" I question over the wind, keeping my horse paced with America's. 

"A car would also be louder!" America explained, raising his voice to speak over the wind. We then pull our horses away from each other as a tree laid in our path, both of us going around the tree before placing our horses next to each other once more. "Horses are much more silent, they won't know we're there until we bust down the door!" He added, lifting his reigns and slamming it down making his horse go faster. 

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