Drama/Action Oneshot part 5

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*Assassins creed Black Flag (Which I have been playing recently) gave me this little idea*

Cannons fired from a large ship, their british flag raised high as the large brig charged down the smaller, much faster ship. Its own flag flying its own colors, of those that plunder and claim the ocean as their home. "Slow them down!" Britain shouted, slamming fist down on the railing as he glared down the ship.

On the other ship, the captain was barking out orders, "Get the cannons ready lads!" She spoke firmly at the wheel, her first mate barking out orders as well as they continued staying out of range from the small fleet of ships trailing behind them, trying to run them down. Her red eyes widened as she saw the two islands, that were on both sides hundred of feet away, come close together, creating a narrow passage that looked too small for a ship to fit through, especially her own ship.

"Captain! We're trapped!" One of her crew members called up to her, seeming to repeat her own thoughts.

"Captain!" One of Britain's crew called out, gaining his attention. "They are trapped! We boxed them in!" The crewmember informed him.

Britain smirked, "Perfect, get the ships ready to board."

"Captain! Do we surrender!?" One of the woman's crew questioned, causing her to look down for a moment, searching her brain for ideas.

"(Y/N) ... what are you thinkin?" Her first mate questioned, looking at her in slight alarm.

The girl smirked as she looked back up at her first mate, "Full sail Hector."

"What?" Her first mate questioned, looking at the woman as if she was crazy.

"Full sail!" She ordered, causing most of the crew members to freeze before looking at one another with confused expressions.

"You heard her! Full sail! Cut the ropes!" Hector shouted at the crew, causing everyone to start darting around, some bumping into one another, pulling down the rolled up sails, the winds catching them immediately.

"Captain! They've gone full sail!" Britain looked up at the ship in front of him, his eyes wide in shock. "What?" He questioned, before shaking his head. "Send two of our frigates!" Britain ordered.

"Aye, aye captain!" The crew member spoke, running over to the edge of the boat, waving off to our two frigates which should be able to fit through the pass just fine. 

"Captain! They are sending in their frigates!" Hector shouted after glancing behind us for a moment.

She looked behind her as well, her smirk widening, "Well then, I guess he is losing two ships today isn't he?" (Y/N) spoke, turning back around to watch as the narrow pass grew closer, before finally they were going through it. She could hear the edge of her ship scraping against the walls of the stone cliffs, splinters flying off the ship.


"She'll be fine! Nothing that we can't fix on our own." She shouted above the sound on wood scraping stone, as the ship started making its way towards the other side, the ship slowly began to slow down as the walls scraped against the ship, creating friction. After a long couple of minutes, the ship reached the other side, getting out with just scratched up wood.

"I don't believe it." Someone mumbled next to Britain while his own mouth dropped in shock. Watching his two frigates get demolished by the one ship, a girl with red eyes, waving towards them with a bright smile. "She's gotta be one of the best pirates I have ever seen."

Britain glared in her direction, ignoring the comment, slamming his fist down on the railing, "D*mn that woman!"

The woman laughed, looking back out to sea, hearing the cheers of her crew as they all hugged one another, a bright smile on their faces. "I think that's enough for one day, what do you think Hector?" (Y/N) asked, looking over at her first mate.

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