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I watched from the bush, the girl with blood red eyes looked around confused. She looked around, seeming to not understand, yet she had a panic look on her face. His eyes met mine, I grinned, my eyes giving off a gleam.

A look of fear flashed across her face, before she turned and ran deeper into the forest, disappearing behind the brush. "There was no need for that." I hear a male voice growl behind me, causing me to turn around find a male that was white with a gold symbol that was of a sun with an arrow going through it. "She did free us from being locked in that hellhole." He spoke, glancing over towards the spot where she once was.

"Now Caelus, a little fun never harmed anyone." I spoke with a smirk, turning to look into my brother's amber colored eyes. "Besides ... she won't remember seeing any of us and we shall keep it that way." I say crossing my arms.

"But why?" Caelus asked, looking at me with a confused look.

"That's what I like to know as well." A deep voice spoke, causing me to look over to find my father stepping out of the bushes, his skin a gold color while a silver Valknut outlined in white was in the middle. "We are free from that cave you forced us into all those years ago." He spoke, pointing a finger at me while rage sparkled in his black eyes.

"Well she is my successor after all." I say, looking out into the forest where I watch her disappear from.

"Successor? Atlantis rules the land now, ending our line ... well most of it anyway, there is still one left." Caelus pointed out with a raised brow, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"Yes and that will be his daughter." I say, smirking, placing my hand on the hilt of my sword, while the other two countries looked at me confused. "Which I plan to make her take over the throne for me." I pulled out my sword, white electricity forming along the blade, the white sparks decorating my blade almost making it seem as if I was carrying lightning in my hands. "And the two of you are going back inside that cave while I ... retake the throne."

"Sis, you lost. There is no way you can ever take the throne, that's just how it is." Caelus spoke, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Maybe not me ... but she can. She just needs ... a small push in the right direction." I say with a grin, gesturing my head towards where the girl once was. Caelus pulled out a sword of his own while my father pulled out Gungnir, his famous spear that belonged to one of his greatest warriors.

"We won't let you." My father growled. "Atlantis won his right to rule." 

I laughed, "Oh please, he isn't even from here. Are you really going to let an outsider rule our land?"

"Our? It was more like your land." Caelus growled, glaring up into my eyes, his grip on the sword tightening.

"Really?" I questioned, looking at the both of them in their fighting stance. "I defeated you once, I can do it again."

"We will see about that." My father growled, his spear beginning to glow a gold light while my brother's sword begin to spark off electricity as well.

I smirk, "Fine by me." We then charged at one another, our weapons raised high as lighting crackled in their air, the smell of ozone washing up out noses. The fight now commenced.


A monk dressed in dark blue and silver robes came running into a candle lit room, an old woman sitting criss cross in the middle of the room, dressed in silky teal garments as different shades of blue beads hung in her white hair. Light blue markings were etched along her pure white skin, her eyes were closed as she seemed to be sleeping.

The monk went down onto his knees, bowing his head to the woman, "Great Oracle, I have urgent news." He spoke, fear lacing his voice.

The old woman hummed, "Oh really?" She questioned, opening her eyes to reveal silver eyes, her pupils white. She turned around, facing in the direction of the monk, "This better be something interesting."

"The doors of the cave have been opened for a significant amount of time before becoming sealed once more." The monk spoke, looking up at the old woman who placed a finger on her chin.

"Hm that is interesting ... very interesting." She spoke, seeming to think for a second before pushing herself up onto her feet, picking up her staff decorated in the same markings that is on her skin.

The monk sat up straight, looking up at the old woman with a questioning look, "Great Oracle?"

She then smiled, "I guess now is the best chance we are going to get!"

The monk raised a brow, "Uh ... what?"

"Bring me the princess! I have a few tests for her to take." The old woman spoke with a smirk. "Of course after she learns about her national animal."

"So do I get the princess now or ..." The monk trailed off, looking up at the old woman with a confused.

"No, no, we will let Pacific and Atlantis take care of her for a few days. Give her time to rest and grow closer to her suitors, maybe learn a few things along the way." The old woman replied with a wave of her hand as he walked past the monk.

"Suitors?" The monk questioned, causing the old woman to hit him upside the head with her staff.

"Are you dimwitted or something? She just doesn't have those fine men following her around for show." The old lady huffed as the monk rubbed the spot on his head.

"Sorry Great Oracle." He apologized in a pain strained voice.

"Hmph, you should be. Honestly and they say I'm the blind one here." She spoke as she walked out of the room with her nose pointed up. "But I still can't help but wonder." She looked towards a symbol of a dragon head, "What will her results be?"

I think you all know what this means ;)


Also real quick, I want to show off this wonderful art of (Y/N)'s two halves. It is wonderful and I absolutely love it!! She looks amazing!! This wonderful art was done by @EnderShenyuen

 It is wonderful and I absolutely love it!! She looks amazing!! This wonderful art was done by @EnderShenyuen

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Edit: Yes this means there is going to be another book ... surprise!

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