Chapter : 19

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Sitting in the car, staring at my bruised, shaking and bleeding hands. Looking down at them with cold eyes. Anger,sadness,pain and hurt was all I felt.

Trying to wipe a few stray tears with the back of my hand, hissing when we go over a bump on the road. Not forgetting the wound on my stomach.

"Ma'am, you look like your going to pass out" I heard Eunwoo ask, trying to keep my eyes opened I look up. "I'm okay Oppa, I've been through this before..." I mumble resting my head against the window. Looking at the dark blue sky.

Time Skip (At The District)

Stumbling out of the car with Eunwoo's help I say " can take the rest of the week off, leave me here" looking up at his concerned face with a painful smile.

"No Ma'am, let me help you inside-" "I order you" I look at him with a hard stare. Letting go of him as I walk up the stairs.  The members should be asleep by now...I dont want them to see me like this.

Pushing the door open with the side of my body I stumble forward, smiling once I see lights switched off and hallways dead silent.

Just wanting to go to my room and cry myself sick. Walking up the stairs silently, reaching my bedroom feeling tears already run down my cheeks.

Standing in front of the door, trying to open it with my elbow (if you push down your elbow on the handle, it can open but it mostly just hurts you or never opens)

Letting out a chocked sob once I manage to open it. Entering the room and closing the door, covering my eyes with the back of my hand as I slide down the door. My sobs was the only sound that was heard.

" hurts so bad, A-Appa h-hurt me...b-b-but I-I c-could'nt ig-ignore him" I stutter, bringing my legs towards my chest and placing my head on my knees.

"Yuna..." I heard a voice  feeling arms engulf me into a hug making me snap my head up letting out a squeak. Seeing Woojin look at me with sad eyes. Staring at my small frame.

"Oppa?" I call out, seeing him nod I shakingly bring my arms around him, nuzzling my face into his neck. Crying louder once I know its him.

Feeling him pick me up bridal style and putting me on the bed. I say "Sorry...I'm so sorry Oppa, I-I was just hurt-" "shh, shh it's okay Yuna, calm down and just breathe" he said cutting off my rambling.

Feeling my body shake slightly, closing my eyes as I try to breathe. "Yuna? still there?" I heard another familiar voice, nodding my head as I feel KM lay me down on the bed. Immediately curling into a ball.

"You need to keep your eyes opened..." I heard another voice say, hiding my face into the pillow. And I was a light

Woojin's POV:

Getting the first aid kit from the bathroom  ,  going back to see Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung,Felix,Seungmin and Jeongin all trying to wake Yuna up.

"Guys?..." I asked with a raised eyebrow, setting the aid on the bedside table. "Hyung, I think she passed out..." Seungmin trailed off, looking worriedly at Yuna.

Turning my head to see her face buried into the pillow, chest moving up and down, her bloodied hands staining the bed.

Sighing softly I turn her a bit, so she can lay on her back. Taking off her hoodie so she's only in her white oversized shirt. Looking down at her stomach to see a big bloodied patch.

Lifting the shirt up, only for all of us to hiss at the painful wound. "Jeongin, get the alchohol from the medic room" I say taking out cotton wool. Seeing him leave the room, I turn to Seungmin "get luke warm water and a cloth" seeing him nod, walking into the bathroom.

Seeing both come back after a few minutes, I lift up Yuna's shirt a bit more so that only her stomach is showing.  "How bad is it KM?" Chan asked making me look up. "Not all wounds are good, but if she left it for too long it could get infected but it's pretty bad." I said sighing once again "No wonder she passed out..." Felix mumbled making me nod.

Taking the cloth from Seungmin and wetting it with alchohol from Jeongin.  Pressing it on the wound. Seeing Yuna shooting up from the bed screaming in pain. I look at Hyunjin and Felix as I shout "Hold her down!" over her screams.

Seeing Chan go behind me and hold down her kicking legs. "O-Oppa!! It hurts,STOP!!" seeing tears roll down her cheeks. "Its for your own good Yuna" I say cleaning her wound.

"Pass me the water" I say removing the cloth to see blood oozing out. Taking the water from Seungmin and cleaning her wound, hearing whimpers and hisses from Yuna.

"Pass me the bandage" I say to Jeongin whilst gesturing to Jisung to lift Yuna a bit. Taking the bandage and wrapping it around her stomach.

All of us letting go of her, to see she curled herself up in a ball once again, shaking a bit. "Yuna, show me your hands" I say gently , taking out more cotton wool .

Gently pulling her wrist, to see her clenched fists. Rubbing her arm a bit to signify her to open her hand.

Taking the cotton wool with ointment I clean her hands, soon putting a bandage around them. Looking up to see her knocked out once again.

"You guys can leave...I'll stay here with her"

[♤The Tales Of District 9♤]  Stray Kids FF  [Mafia Au] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now