Chapter; 43

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Groaning as I felt ice cold water thrown onto my weak body. Hearing voices echo throughout the room as they scream and shout.

"Wake up little lady~" I heard that deep and annoying voice whisper. Feeling a hand grab my jaw harshly.

Growling under my breath as I glare at him.

"Did you have a nice nap? I see my little Taehyungie treated you so well" Lee Han said sarcastically, pointing at Taehyung whose been too scared to look our way.

"You know what?!" I shouted feeling his grip around my jaw tighten. "I hope you die a dog's death! Rot in hell and stay there forever! You're family must be so ashamed of you" I smirked seeing how he clenched his jaw. Definitely affected by my words.

"What will Mr Lee Byungchul and Mrs Lee Chaewon say, mmh?" I asked with a fake pout.

Suddenly he grabbed me by my neck, slamming my head against the fence causing me to groan with a chuckle.

"Don't you dare talk about my parents like that!" He warned.

"What is your Mommy and Daddy going to take my gun away?...tsk fucking bastard" I said spitting on his face. Seeing him flinch as saliva mixed with blood trickles down his face.

"Taehyung..." Lee Han said, in a calming yet warning voice.

"Y-yes sir?" Taehyung responded.

"Bring Mrs Kim, I want to have a little fun" Lee Han said causing my eyes to widen at his words.

With gritted teeth I thrash around in the restraints.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" I shouted trying to kick him only for him to move backwards. Watching me try to move my wrists, only for the straps to cut through my skin.

Looking up to see blood trickling down my arms as tears of anger well up.

Hearing my Eomma's sobs out of the room as the door opens, Taehyung walking in as he holds a chain that connects to my Eomma's handcuffed hands.

"Please NO I'm sorry!" I shout shaking my head.

"You weren't sorry when I told you to stop" Lee Han said grabbing my Eomma by her matted hair and pushing her down on her knees facing me.

Shaking my head as I watch Lee Han take out a gun from his straps.

"N-no please...Pl-please don't k-kill my e-Eomma" I pleaded twisting my wrist causing more blood to gush out.

"Yuna, baby its okay, Eomma is okay" Eomma said with a soft smile.

Shaking my head as I sob loudly.

"I'm sorry I'm such a failure" I apologized. Watching how her eyes soften at my words.

"No your the perfect daughter anyone could ask for" she said "Appa and I are so proud of you, we love you so much" she continued.

Shaking my head as I gasp for air, my ribs giving me a problem to breathe.

"I didn't imagine that you would say those words I was longing this" I cried, looking down at the bloodied floor.

"I'm sorry Honey.."

"Okay enough of this disgusting drama,  let's get some action into it" Lee Han interrupted us.

Suddenly he pushed his gun towards Taehyung causing the latter to hold on to it.

"Kill her" Lee Han said motioning to Eomma.

"NO!!" I shout, suddenly jolting forward as I continuously twitch. Looking at Lee Han to see the remote control in his hands.

Feeling the electric shocks run through my body once again.

"s-sir I-I can't kill an in-inoccent person..." Taehyung stuttered.

"Tsk, what a waste" he said clicking his tongue and pushing the latter out the room. Grabbing his gun from him then pointing it to my Eomma.

Not being able to say anything as I am shaking uncontrollably, groaning in agony.

Looking at my Eomma as she smiles at me for the first and the last time.

" you...e-Eomma.." I stuttered.

Watching Lee Han as he shoves his gun against her skull. The smirk on his face as he watches my Eomma shiver in horror


Watching her body now lay lifeless on the cold floor, blood pooling around her head.

Looking up at Lee Han whose now laughing at the scene.

"N-no!" I cry out.

Watching Lee Han walk out the room leaving me here twitch and shake as I stare at my dead mother.

[♤The Tales Of District 9♤]  Stray Kids FF  [Mafia Au] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now