Chapter : 26

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"Mr Bang, is this your new member? She's very beautiful I must say" Jung Yugeon said, sitting backwards in his leather couch with a cigar in his right hand, taking puffs here and there, staring at me with his eyes full of lust.

"Mr Jung, I thought we have only come here to discuss business not about my members " Chan answered whilst fixing his jet black blazer. Sitting backwards into his own leather chair. His expressionless face staring back at the black haired man opposite him.

Chuckles leaving the dark purple lips from Yugeon "yes, sorry about that. Do you have what I ordered?" He asked his eyes lingering on me for a while but soon turns to Chan.

Turning my head to face Woojin with a clenched jaw and tight fists. My blood boiling with the feeling of disgust and just wanting to leave this place.

"Calm down...we're almost done" Woojin whispered, nudging my arm a bit , his lips forming a small smile. Nodding I turn back to watch the scene. All eight of us ready to take action whenever.

"Have you brought what you promised to bring?" Chan asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Answering my question with a question...cocky...but smart" Yugeon answers with a smirk.

Waving his hand towards the tall buff man who's holding an AK47 gun , face void of all emotions . Seeing him guide two scrawny looking boys holding a black crate. Followed by another pair of boys holding another crate.

Chan signaling Jisung and Seungmin to bring two silver cases with with locks on them.

"They were just made, shipped all the way from Russia" Yugeon said once the boys opened the case, the sight had us all staring in awe.

Beautiful guns and Army pocket knives displayed and neatly packet. All of us staring at the weapons with wide eyes at the scene.

"10 kilograms of cocaine along with the ecstasy you ordered" Chan said signaling Seungmin and Jisung to open the cases.

Showing ten packets of a white powder which consists of cocaine in one case and the other case filled with four packets of colorful tablets which consists of ecstasy.

"Its a deal then" Yugeon says, his eyes lighting up once he looks at the cases with love making me grimace.

Are you that desperate for drugs?

Once Chan and Yugeon shook hands , they traded and off we were, until-

"Hyung~...can we stay for one drink please?" All our heads turning to see I.N with a pout and puppy eyes staring at Woojin and Chan asking for permission.

"No...your too young!" Woojin scolds .

"Hyung! I'm nineteen~" he whined with slouched shoulders.

Staring at I.N with pity I walk over standing next to him staring at Woojin.

"Yes Oppa, please just one drink and then we can go" I said pouting staring at him with puppy eyes.

"Chan...please talk to your children" Woojin said trying not to look at our 'innocent' faces.

Soon Felix and Hyunjin joined in, all of us asking for a drink.

"Hyung please it's just one drink"

"Yeah we haven't had in a long time.

"You haven't had at all" Woojin chirped in hitting Hyunjin at the back of his head.

"Fine! But only one drink" Chan answered looking at us sternly.

I.N and I staring at each other with smirks along with Jisung and Minho who cheers behind us.

A few hours later

"Aish! I said one drink not bottles!!" Chan shouted at us. His nose flaring up and eyes of anger and annoyance staring at us.

"Let's...*hic* l-lets go home" I mumbled, stumbling a bit as I try to stand up.

"Just...just one more drink! To sowber up~" I.N slurred on the verge of passing out.

Suddenly I burst out laughing, Chan and Woojin looking at me confused and irritated.

Soon Changbin and Seungmin laughing along with me. Then all of us laughing for no reason.

"Ooh~ my head hurts" I mumble with a pout, rubbing my temple as I lean on Woojin.

"That's it, we're going home" Chan said with Woojin agreeing.

Time Skip (Next Day)

With a groan I sit up slightly, holding the side of my head. Just sitting there with my eyes closed not remembering anything that happened last night.

Removing my blankets only for me to hiss in pain, feeling something restraining my movements.

"Finally your up!" Chan shouted making me flinch. Blinking I look up to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"What happend?" I groggily ask, looking at my shoulder to see a bandage.  Widening my eyes I move my shirt a bit seeing a blood stain.

"We were attacked by the one and only Yugeon, while you guys were fucking drunk" he said angrily walking towards me making me gulp.

"And that..." he pointed at my wounded shoulder.

"You were shot" he answered.


[♤The Tales Of District 9♤]  Stray Kids FF  [Mafia Au] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now