Chapter: 30

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Lying down on my bed with a flustered face. Remembering what happened yesterday.

"We...oh my gosh..." I mumbled turning around facing my pillows and kicking my legs into the bed.

"That was so scary...he must think I'm weird now...oh no it's going to be so awkward" I said with a pout and furrowed eyebrows.

"Hey Yuna, Chan Hyung needs us for something so Felix will stay with you"

Turning my head to see Minho's head in between the door and wall.

"Mmh...okay" I muffled into the pillow.

"You okay?"

"Perfect..." I answered, my face still implanted into the pillow.

"Okay then...see you later" he said.

Hearing my bedroom door close, I groan loudly into the pillow.

Perfect...just perfect. Alone with Felix Oppa, what more could I ask for?

Note the sarcasm.

"I'm hungry..." I mumble getting up from my bed.

Leaving my room and making my way towards the kitchen to see what's there to snack on.

"Ooh...chippies" I mumble grabbing the bag of chips.


Flinching once I hear a deep voice, turning my head to see Felix eating a...sausage?

"Mm...yeah" I answered still looking through the cabinets to find something to eat.

"There's nothing..." I pout looking at the only snack I could find which is a packet of chips.

"Come...let's making something then..." Felix said going to the other cabinets taking ingredients out.

"Its been so long since I cooked... I dont think I remember much"

"Don't worry, remember I'm also helping"

"If we burn this kitchen I'm blaming you"


And half an hour later from purposely shoving each other, teasing and laughing. We finally made....

"Jjapchae!" I cheerfully say, sitting down at the dinner table ready to dig in.

"It looks delicious" Felix said sitting next to me.

"Thanks for helping out" I said eating my share of food.

"No is like the love of my life. How could I not volunteer to make it" he answered also eating.

Soon it was dead quiet between us, only the sounds of slurping and our chopsticks clashing against each other and the plate.

"I-I have to go to work t-today..." curse my stuttering! Lifting my head and turning it to the side to face him. Feeling my cheeks heat up at the memory of yesterday.

"It's Saturday though, and your still working?" He asks looking at me with wide eyes.

"Mmh" I nod looking down at my plate "Since Chan Oppa "grounded" me I've been working more often now...keeping myself busy" I mumbled whilst eating.

"Why? Don't you want to relax?" He asks once again.

"When I relax and have nothing to do I tend to overthink and then worry...and I don't want that" I chuckled placing my chopsticks on my now empty plate.

"Besides I'm still working on finding more about Lee Han, the fact that he's coming next month only makes me worry even more...and it frustrates me" I continued , leaning back against my chair.

"Your really determined to kill him huh?" He asked looking at me with a slight smile.

"Well yeah, all he's ever done is bring misery to my life" I answered with a shrug.
"Its time that I return the favour"

"But aren't you done...don't you want to leave this type of life?"

"I do, and I don't"

"How come?"

"I want to leave it because I want the life of a normal teenager, hang out with friends. Laugh and tease each other...hopefully find a lover" I laugh at the thought. Looking up to see Felix smiling softly at me.

"But I don't want to because even if I leave this life...I won't be able to do those things." I answered playing with my fingers. "Being apart of this life is the only thing my parents don't know, they literally treat me like a dog. After I finish High School I'm going to work...I'm planning to study online, but that's not the point" I mumbled throwing my head backwards.

"But why don't you just confront them...if you don't fight back they don't know if their making you happy" he said causing me to chuckle bitterly.

"They don't care if I'm long as I'm following the footsteps of my sister, be obedient and work then they won't be any trouble. I won't fight back because I want them to be proud of me." I smile sadly staring at the ceiling.

"Not once did I hear "I Love you darling" or "you did so well...I'm so proud of you" I'd do anything just to hear that from them." I said feeling tears building up I my eyes.

"If I did one small thing that they didn't like...they hurt me both mentally and physically" rubbing my hands, going over the scars that they caused.

Blinking away the tears, shaking my head a bit to stop the tears from falling. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I look up to see Felix looking at me with a sad smile.

"'s okay to cry" he assured nodding his head a bit.

"Crying doesn't get you anywhere" I answered shaking my head a bit.

"But it does show that you're human" he defended.

With a snort I turn my head to the side. Rolling my eyes as I bit my bottom lip to stop it from trembling.

"Want to spar after this?" He asks changing the subject.

"Do you want to leave this place with a broken bone" I asked with a smirk.

"Not if I break yours first" he defended with a smug look.

[♤The Tales Of District 9♤]  Stray Kids FF  [Mafia Au] Completed!Where stories live. Discover now