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Soojin and Shuhua were members of the famous group, (g)idle. Shuhua loves Soojin; she really does. Unfortunately, the ever so oblivious girl wouldn't and can't see it. Shuhua settles for loving her from far away.

Shuhua could hear the raindrops hit the roof of their shared apartment. She liked the rain; it was almost like the earth was crying with her, to help her sort out her pain. She put on a great mask, no one knew how she felt, and she was determined to keep it that way.

Today, Soojin and Shuhua were in the midst of doing a vlive, when Soojin wrapped her arm around Shuhua's neck, pulling her closer. A small smile appeared on Shuhua's mouth, until her overwhelming feelings of neglect and sadness came rushing towards her, making her breathing stir away from its usual rhythm. She wanted to frown, she wanted to get up, leave, and never come back, but she knew she couldn't, so she just laughed.

Dear Diary,

Today was another exhausting day. Believe me, I enjoy the company of the members, and being to do what I love, but this sadness is overwhelming me. It hearts loving someone who didn't have the means to love you back. It hurts when every touch, every situation, and every memory means 1,000 times more to you than it does to them.

I know it won't happen, and I want to get over her. Why can't I just get over her? Why is this so impossible? I feel as if it's better to overwhelm myself, than to overwhelm any of the members or our fans. The sparks that I feel when she touches me are overpowered by my mind telling me that she'll never love me. When will this end? I pray for the day that I'll get over her.

I'll see you soon diary. Thanks for being the only one to listen.

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