forever and always

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Hello everyone. This is the final chapter of this book, so this chapter will probably be particularly long. I'll be releasing one more chapter as an epilogue/ author's note/ new book. Enjoy!

After 7 months of planning, the highly anticipated SooShu wedding was here. The couples of (g)idle had gone public with their relationships, gaining a lot of support from both korean and international fans. Shuhua couldn't have been happier with the responses, it seemed like everyone shipped the two anyway.

The whole thing seemed surreal to her. First, she was pining after another girl with a boyfriend, one that she never thought would be capable of loving her back. Throughout all of the hardships, Shuhua wouldn't have had it any other way. Being with Soojin was worth everything, and more.

Soojin has never felt more content with her life. Being engaged to Shuhua felt ethereal; she would have wanted it to last forever if possible. Now, she was ready to marry the love of her life.

Shuhua and Soojin were now in separate rooms, it was an hour before the wedding commenced. Shuhua could feel her heart beating erratically, this was the biggest day of her life, and by far the happiest. "I can't believe I'm actually marrying the love of my life!" Shuhua thought and smiled, she would forever be lucky.

She heard a knock on the door, and Yuqi walked in. She gasped for a second, before a smile made its way onto her face. "You look amazing Shu! I'm so proud of you." Yuqi said fondly, and Shuhua pulled Yuqi into a tight hug. "Thank you, Yuqi. For everything, and for being there for me when no one else was." Shuhua whispered, tears threatening to fall in her eyes.

"Woah, woah, don't cry yet. That's for Soojin." Yuqi joked, and carefully wiped the tears with her thumb, she didn't want to ruin Shuhua's already done makeup. "I'll always be here for you, Shu." Yuqi responded with a smile. The doorknob moved again, and now it was Miyeon and Tzuyu at the doorway. Miyeon shoved Yuqi out of the way, and almost tackled Shuhua to the ground. "You look so cute!" Miyeon cheered, and Shuhua laughed.

Tzuyu, holding her stomach, managing to hobble her way over to Shuhua. "Have fun today, Shu. You're amazing, and this day will be great." Tzuyu said, and Shuhua smiled. "Thank you Tzuyu." She replied, the girls all crowding around her, taking pictures.

Soojin was in her room, with Minnie and Soyeon. After all, the two were her bridesmaids. Shuhua would be accompanied by Yuqi and Miyeon. Soojin was wearing a white dress, similar to Shuhua's. Minnie and Soyeon could only smile when they were done helping Soojin get ready. "You look great, Soo." Soyeon smiled, and Soojin smirked. "Why thank you." She joked back, and Soyeon rolled her eyes.

"Are you ready for this? This is gonna be amazing!" Minnie cheered, her eyes forming into crescents as she smiled. "I've never been more prepared for something in my life. I love her, and I can't wait to marry her!" Soojin responded, and Minnie and Soyeon screamed. "My ship is indestructible!" Minnie shouted, and Soyeon started laughing like crazy.

"I can't believe it's happening today. I'm ready to marry the love of my life, and to spend the rest of my days with her." Soojin thought, smiling as she watched her best friends bicker.

The time winded down, and now everyone except for Shuhua and Soojin's parents and the members were sitting at a seat. Soojin was pacing back and forth in her room; she didn't want to mess her vows up. "Calm down speedy gonzalez, you'll be fine." Soyeon reassured, and Soojin took a deep breath. After all, Soyeon was already married to Miyeon.

Shuhua, Yuqi, and Miyeon were all jumping up and down with excitement. "I'm finally getting married bitches!" Shuhua screamed, everyone in the venue probably heard her. She wanted to do her funky dance moves, but that would have to wait until the after party. Miyeon and Yuqi looked at Shuhua fondly, they were so happy for their friend. She's so strong, and now she's getting the happy ending she deserves.

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